Chapter 41

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The whole day Ji Hyun did her work to distract herself from over-thinking. It was time to go home, remembering Lee Rang had to talk with her as she looked at his office.

She, who was excited about it before, didn't want to step inside. Lee Rang looked at her and noticed Ji Hyun looking at him, but with sadness in her eyes. Lee Rang smiled at her and got up. Looking at him, Ji Hyun started packing her things.

Lee Rang came out and said, "Ji Hyun, it's time to leave so I will go, enjoy at your friend's house!" Hearing this Ji Hyun asked, "But sir, what was the thing you wanted to talk about?"

Lee Rang walked towards her and patted her head and said, "You already have a lot in your mind right now, we can always talk later! Go and enjoy yourself right now!" Ji Hyun, who had not smiled the whole day after the incident, finally smiled. Witnessing that, Lee Rang felt happy and left.

Ji Hyun called Min Young to meet her down in the lobby so they could leave for her home. She waited for her at the lobby and saw that people still greeted her with a smile. She smiled back at them.

Min Young came and hugged Ji Hyun. Breaking the hug, she asked, "Are you okay, Ji Hyun?" Ji Hyun just nodded and said, "Let's get going, I'm hungry!"

Min Young nodded as they left for her house. On the way they enjoyed their car playlist, Min Young noticed Ji Hyun acting excited, she decided to ask her about it once they reached home.

They had ordered their food on the way. After reaching her home, they both quickly freshened up and sat down.

Their food came and they started eating and drinking cold beer with it. While eating, Min Young asked, "Are you truly okay, Ji Hyun? Your expressions weren't looking good when those girls were speaking shit, even now I can say that you are faking your happiness."

Upon that, Ji Hyun nodded a yes and said, "You are right, I'm not okay, I don't know what to do anymore." Min Young came closer to her and asked gently, "Why do you think so?"

Ji Hyun let out a sigh before speaking, "Actually when they were putting allegations on me, it reminded me of an incident that happened to me, in my middle school. I used to secretly work as the financial situation of my house was bad, I used to save my lunch money as well, I told this to my best friend and she started making fun of me with other classmates."

After a pause, she continues, "That incident made me close myself from anyone near me. Being made fun of just because you are poor, I didn't like that, plus she was a friend I had for more than four years, her betraying me broke me."

Hearing this, Min Young hugged Ji Hyun and said, "I'm sorry you had to go through that! I'm sure it must have felt very bad, I wish I could slap the shit out of that girl! You didn't do anything wrong, it was all that trash's fault. And it's not easy to do what you have been doing for so many years! It must have been lonely and tough to do it all alone, I'm so proud of you!"

Ji Hyun hugged her back and said, "Thank you so much, hearing this means a lot. Although I knew from the start that money was never a problem in our friendship, I was scared to share my problems because I was scared of being betrayed again. I'm so sorry, I made you doubt your efforts you put in our friendship, I'm so glad to have found you, you are the best!!"

Min Young nodded a no and said, "It's okay, knowing the reason, I'm sure saying this must have taken courage as well! Thank you for believing in me."

Ji Hyun shook her head and said, "No, thank you for being patient with me."

Min Young then felt like she was going to cry, said, "Hey! let's not cry! I just have two nights with you! I wanna have fun!!"

Ji Hyun chuckled and said, "Yeah, let's enjoy!" Min Young nodded then asked, "By the way, I wanted to ask, when the hell did you go shopping without me! I saw the pictures! You were wearing something branded!"

Hearing that Ji Hyun avoided Min Young's eye contact said, "Well about that~~" Min Young, watching Ji Hyun look away, said, "Spill the beans!!" Ji Hyun sighed and said, "I went out with Ki Yu Ri, Lee Rang's best friend. So she brought me some clothes."

Hearing those words, Min Young gasped loudly and dramatically said, "You didn't!!" Ji Hyun, guilty about the fact nodded a yes and said, "Your honor, please forgive me, I committed a grave crime!"

Min Young looked away. She got up and said, "You haven't committed a crime but a sin! I will decide your punishment only after hearing your reasons."

Ji Hyun went to Min Young and held her hands. She said, "Well, your honor, Yu Ri wanted to go out with me because she thought I was fun to hang out with. She became interested in me as Lee Rang would call me 'miss interesting' and how he ended up saving me from a pervert, so she messaged me saying she wanted to go out. As she was Lee Rang's best friend, I said yes, because I feared of losing my job. Hence, She bought me clothes."

Ji Hyun sighed and took a breath. She continued, "You won't believe what all things happened! That day was crazy!!! Look at me if you wanna know what happened."

Min Young pouted and said, "No! I'm angry, she brought you outfits, you never accept them from me!" Ji Hyun smiled understanding where Min Young was coming from and said, "I ended up in jail." Hearing this, Min Young looked at her instantly and said, "I want every freaking detail! Don't you dare miss even a millisecond out!" Ji Hyun chuckled and nodded as she sat down, Min Young quickly followed her behind.

Ji Hyun then told her the entire story. Min Young gasped and clapped her hands and said, "This is better than any dramas!!! OMG girl hear my words and remember them in the future!! You are fated to be with each other. You and Lee Rang are made for each other!! Even today!! The words he said to defend you! Do you really think he doesn't like you!?"

Ji Hyun looked at Min Young thinking what to reply, Min Young then said, "And looking at your expressions, why do I feel you like him as well!? Wait!! DO YOU LIKE HIM!?"

Extra Scene

Lee Yeon called Lee Rang to ask whether he confessed his feelings or not, to which Lee Rang answered, "I decided to push it for later and before you ask why, it's because I felt that after what happened today, she needed some time so she can calm down and figure things out."

Lee Yeon smiled at what his younger brother said and replied, "You did the right thing! Looks like you have really grown up!" Lee Rang smiled at Lee Yeon's praise and said, "Now, don't worry about me, worry about your proposal, call me if you need any help."


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