Chapter 46

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As soon as the clock hit lunch time Lee Rang got up and went towards Ji Hyun. Ji Hyun was talking with Eun Jae, she was actually declining her offer to have lunch together.

Lee Rang came and said, "Should we get going?" Eun Jae understanding that they might have a lunch date smiled and greeting Lee Rang and wishing them a good lunch left.

Ji Hyun got up and asked, "How can you say that in front of her?" Lee Rang looked at her with a smile and answered, "Well Ji Hyun shi, after what happened on Friday everyone in the company thinks that we are dating which is true, so you don't have to worry about that, now let's go?"

Ji Hyun smiled realizing that what he said is true and there was no need to worry about such thing now. They left to a fancy restaurant. Seeing that Ji Hyun said, "Oh first date to a fancy restaurant not bad!"

Lee Rang taking her right and and kissing the back of it said, "Well I had to make a good impression, and it's from my brother's pocket so of course I gotta spend a lot."

Ji Hyun giggled and they walked in the restaurant. They sat down and after ordering food they talked and flirted a little.

After lunch Lee Rang asked where Ji Hyun wanted to go next, she suggested a arcade, so they started driving there. Shin Ju's call came and Ji Hyun picked up and hearing the news she turned to Lee Rang and said, "We have to go back to the company, something has happened."

Lee Rang nodded and they getting in the car went to the company. Upon arriving at the company they found out that one of the major client was backing off from their deal. They were even ready to pay the price of breaking the contract which shocked them. Lee Yeon had went to handle that deal for now. Again a news came that another partner is trying to cut off their deal.

Lee Yeon managed to secure the deal again and was on the way. He sent the required changes to Lee Rang so he could proceed with them. The work was done and everything ended peacefully.

Lee Rang went to meet the team out and announced, "Well done everyone! Your quick work was the reason we could get the deal back! So I announce that you guys can go home early!!"

Everyone clapped in happiness about the announcement. Ji Soo then suggested, "Since we are all leaving early how about we have a team dinner sir?"

Everyone gasped in surprise and agreed excitedly. Manager Park added, "Oh yes, now that I think about it, we have yet to have a team dinner since Mr. Lee or Ji Hyun joined! We should definitely go!"

Everyone agreed and cheered, "Team dinner! Team dinner!" While Ji Hyun looked at Lee Rang waiting for his reply. Lee Rang glanced at Ji Hyun then looking at the team said, "Okay, if that's what you all want. I will treat you all! Choose a place!"

All nodded and Lee Rang went back inside to finish rest of the work. Eun Jae looked around and asked, "Where should we go?" Another employee who was a total foodie removed her phone and took out all the places.

Everyone looked at her impressed and went to her and seeing all the places, they decided the new barbeque place since everyone planned to go there sooner or later, today would be the right day and time.

Everyone looked at Ji Hyun and Eun Jae said, "Sorry Ji Hyun shi, looks like we are going to empty your boyfriend's wallet!" Ji Hyun looked at everyone and said, "Then I'm in your team! Don't look at me like that! This is my first team dinner, I will go all out as well!"

All agreed and happily started finishing their reaming work excited about the team dinner. After Ji Hyun went away, Eun Jae asked, "But we can't possibly ask them their love story right? Cause on Friday the boss was scary! I dare not to even think about them."

Ji Soo nodded and replied, "Well yes we will have to be careful of what to say." Everyone agreed but their spirit got a little down as they started to worry about how they will have to act.

Their new employee seeing everyone down suggested, "How about we just talk about funny moments so the atmosphere would be light. Plus even if it's awkward we have goo food don't we? So we can just focus on that!"

Everyone looked at the newbie and nodded a yes while thinking, 'Poor boy, I hope he understands the cooperate world soon.'

Ji Hyun was in Lee Rang's cabin taking the files he gave her and then told him the place they decided on.

She was about to leave but said, "Mr. Lee I think it's better you prepare your wallet, everyone decided to go all out."

Lee Rang smiled sweetly and answered, "Oh thanks for giving me an heads up Hyun shi." Ji Hyun blushed a little and whispered, "I was just teasing you." Saying that she left.

She then went to Manager Park and gave him the files and told the things that needed to be changed. Ji Hyun then went to give a file to Eun Jae. Instead of holding the file, Eun Jae held Ji Hyun's hand and said, "Ji Hyun shi, please cover us up if we end up making any mistake! Our future is in your hands."

Ji Hyun looked at her confused for a second about why is Eun Jae suddenly saying this to her, but realizing what she meant Ji Hyun nodded and said, "Don't worry I will take care about that! You guys just focus on what we should all have!" Eun Jae smiled and taking the file thanked Ji Hyun.

Min Ju who was the new employee added, "See I told you it's nothing to worry about, you guys keep worrying about such small stuff." Others just sighed seeing his ignorant self about the cooperate world. 

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