Chapter 3

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Ji Hyun’s duty ended in the night around 11 pm, she reached home to see her dad still awake, she smiled and greeted him saying, “I’m home appa, why are you still awake?” Hearing her voice her dad looked at her and said, “oh you are home? Your food is on the table heat it and eat.” 

Ji Hyun replied, “okay appa.” and went to get freshen up, she came back and started to heat the food. Her mom came to the living room hearing her voice and said, “oh you are here, you should have woken me, I would have heated the food and give you.” 

Ji Hyun said, “it’s okay I do this everyday, so you should go rest now, it’s late, take appa with you as well, you both should sleep.” Her mother looked at her and said, “well we will in few minutes, so how was your day?” 

Ji Hyun keeping the food on the table said, “it went okay, by the way, I’m going to apply to the Lee Group's internship, as it will be a good experience and it’s a paid internship as well.” 

The parents smiled hearing that their daughter is going to intern at such a big company, her father said, “that’s good, I'm glad to see you try so hard.” Ji Hyun smiled and said, “yes and don't worry I will still work for the cafe, I will mostly work at night shifts and on weekends full day shift.”

Hearing this they were more happy but then her mother said, “oh you shouldn’t overwork yourself! And what about your studies?” Ji Hyun answered, “eomma, I’m on my last semester, now I just have to submit a few assignments, the lectures will end by next week then only submitting assignments and final exams!” 

Her father then asked, “you can work but don’t forget to score good in your exams! Our future depends on that!” Ji Hyun replied, “yes appa I know, now go sleep it’s very late.” 

Her appa just sighed taking his account book with him and went to the couples shared bedroom. Seeing him go Ji Hyun asked, “what happened? Why was dad having his account book right now?” 

Her mother sighed at the question and answered, “you know how he is, since you brother is going to enter the 1st year in highschool soon his expenses will increase. Plus he needs a new phone.” Ji Hyun nodded and said, “tell him to wait, since now even he can do a part time job, isn’t that great? If he wants he can work at the café I work. He can buy his own phone then. Or find a job only for the weekends, not for us but for himself, at least he can be independent.”

Hearing this her mother looked at her and said, “but now you will soon have a real job, why does he need to do a part time job? Plus me and your appa wants him to focus only on his studies.” Ji Hyun looked at her mother feeling disappointed and said, “oh yes, you are right, I understand.”

Ji Hyun got up finishing her food and started washing the dishes, while she was washing the dishes her mom said, “if you can, try to save some money for Hyun Sik’s phone, as his phne is not in a good condition and he needs it for his studies.” Ji Hyun finished washing the dishes and said, “yes I will look into it. I will go sleep now, eomma, goodnight.” 

Her mother said, “oh yes, good night dear.” Both of them went their own ways. Ji Hyun went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and thought, ‘you just told me not to overwork and next moment you say this.’ brushing her teeth she went to her room which she shares with her brother and went to sleep.

Next morning she got up early, cooking breakfast for everyone, taking her and Min Young’s breakfast she left for the university. Reaching there she was about to call Min Young, but Min Young tapped on her shoulder and said, “what’s up Hyunie! What did you get for me today?” 

Ji Hyun smiled and answered, “gimbap.” Hearing this Min young said, “oh nice! My fav! now let’s hurry, that Prof. Choi will come any moment now.” Ji Hyun nodded and they hurried to their lecture. After the lectures ended, they ate their lunch. 

Ji Hyun looking at the time excused herself and said, “I gotta go, it’s time for my job.” Min Young nodded and they parted ways. On the way Ji Hyun stopped by the street shopping area to buy a good formal dress for the interview, after buying it she went to the authentic Korean restaurant she worked at during the afternoon.

Reaching there she started to work, since a staff was short she had to deliver food as well. She was out for delivery but saw that the delivery was at a very luxurious building. Ringing the bell she waited for someone to open the door.

Lee Rang who was hungry was happy to hear the sound of the door bell, he opened the door only to see his miss interesting and whispered, “oh miss interesting?” 

Hearing him say something Ji Hyun looked at him with a questioning gaze and he said, “I asked how much was it?” Ji Hyun answered, “9000 won.” Lee Rang nodded and handing her the money and closed the door. 

While taking it inside he thought, ‘why do I keep bumping into her? What is it fate playing it’s game or something?” Lee Rang cringed at his own thoughts and enjoyed his food. 

Ji Hyun reached the restaurant after delivering and said, “boss will I get an increase in my hourly pays? You said from this month you would increase my salary.” The boss looked at her and said, “do you see customers coming? How will I increase your salary without a good income? If you want more money, work for more hours.” 

Ji Hyun sighed and said, “okay starting today I will work for more two hours.” and thought, ‘here goes my two hours of rest, but it’s only till the internship, I might get his phone till then.’ 

After some time Min Young called her knowing it was her break time to ask a question but was surprised to know that Ji Hyun would work for that hours to buy her brother a new phone, she protested but Ji Hyun calmed her down saying that her parents don’t want him to be involved in the family debt thing and want him to focus on his study so he can secure a good job. 

Though Min Young wasn’t happy to see Ji Hyun suffer she couldn’t say anything knowing it’s not her place to say anything. Even though they both were best friends Min Young always felt that Ji Hyung had formed up a wall for the family issues she had, Min Young respected that knowing not everyone wants to talk about their family and silently supported her. 

Extra Scene 

Ji Hyun’s mother went to her room and laid down, feeling her presence her father asked, “did you talk to her?” Her mother replied, “hmm I talked, she will buy him a phone but then she suggested that Hyun Sik should so a job once he will start highschool.” Hearing this her father said, “leave it anyways she will buy him a phone. I don't want to hear your complaints right now, let's talk tomorrow.” Saying this he went to sleep. 

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