Chapter 35

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Ji Hyun went out and sat on her desk. She fanned herself, she then started her work. After sometime Eun Jae came and said, "Hello Ji Hyun shi." Ji Hyun looked up and greeted her with a smile and said, "Hello Eun Jae senior."

Eun Jae then asked, "Hmm are you free at dinner time? We have decided to do a dinner party today?" Hearing this Ji Hyun gets excited but remembering that Lee Rang has a dinner meeting she says, "I'm really sorry, I can't make it sir has a dinner meeting today and they will probably have drinks so I will have to drive him back."

Eun Jae sighed and said, "Ah well, all the best for the meeting!" Ji Hyun smiled and said, "Thank you, enjoy your dinner senior and have fun." Eun Jae nodded and went away.

Ji Hyun took out her phone and msged Min Young to ask what she is doing for lunch as she made some gimbap for her as well. Min Young was happy to know this and said she they can have lunch together.

Soon it was lunch time and Ji Hyun getting a call from Min Young told her to wait for her at the canteen. She went to Lee Rang's office and asked, "Sir what do you want to eat?"

Lee Rang thought for a second and asked, "Hmm what are you having?" Ji Hyun answered, "I'm having lunch from the canteen, so I don't know what's on the menu."

Lee Rang nodded and said, "Hmm okay then I will take care of my lunch, you can go." Ji Hyun nodded and went to the canteen after taking the gimbap. In the lift she met Lee Yeon. They both greeted each other and Lee Yeon said, "Ji Hyun shi, thank you for taking care of my brother yesterday!"

Ji Hyun smiled and said, "It was nothing, he was the one to save me, so I was the reason he got hurt." Lee Yeon nodded and said, "Yes I heard, so going to have lunch?"

Ji Hyun nodded and asked, "Yes sir and you?" Lee Yeon smiled and answered, "Lunch as well." Ji Hyun's floor came and she went out after greeting him a bye.

Entering the canteen she searched for Min Young. Seeing her she went to her and hugged her. Min Young turned and hugged her back, they broke the hug and Min Young said, "Even tho we work at the same company I feel like we live in different countries! We haven't met for so long!"

Ji Hyun nodded and said, "I know right! I wish we worked at the same department! We could meet each other more often!" Min Young nodded and asked, "Where is my gimbap!" Ji Hyun smiled and showed her the tiffin. Then they both then walked towards the food and started choosing the things they wanted to eat.

Min Young sitting down said, "Now open th tiffin, I gotta have the first bite of heaven." Ji Hyun sighed and said, "Oh my god, stop exaggerating!" Min Young sighed and said, "You will never understand my love for your handmade food so don't speak in between."

Ji Hyun nodded her head and said, "Okay okay sorry to come "in between" you and gimbap. So we will go together to your house after work tomorrow right? When are your parents gonna come back?"

Min Young just nodded her head as she was enjoying the gimbap. She then said, "Well in three days I guess, so you are stuck with me for three days! It's gonna be fun! Oh and make sure you finish your work early!" Ji Hyun nodded and said, "I will try, after all I can't afford to miss the fun we are gonna have!" Min Young agrees and says, "That's right! We gonna enjoy the three days very much!"

Then Ji Hyun asks, "So what's going on? Enjoying work?"

Min Young nodded and answered, "Yes! I have learnt so much! Applying for this internship was the best idea! What about you?" Ji Hyun answered, "Well you know, all the extra unwanted drama and hate is irritating me, I don't get why they are so curious and worried about Mr. Lee's love life, it isn't even their matter." Min Young smiled and replied, "Girl not everyone are like you, who just minds their own business, many people like to see what's on others plate."

Ji Hyun sighed knowing what Min Young said is true. Ji Hyun then said, "Well you do remember after the internships our exams began?" Min Young gasped and said, "Thanks for reminding me! Fish! I almost forgot! I have to start studying! But I have your notes so I don't have to worry much haha."

Ji Hyun then said, "I kind of don't want to give the exams, I feel so tired already! I don't get why they kept a three months gap before the finals." Min Young nodded and said, "Yeah I know right! It takes away the mood to give exams! But we gotta do it for the degree."

Ji Hyun nodded. They talked about anything, Min Young avoided asking about Lee Rang as many people sat besides them. After the lunch they went their ways.

Ji Hyun reaching her seat looked at Lee Rang's office through the glass door and noticed he wasn't there so she figured he might have gone to eat.

Here Lee Rang was with Yu Ri, he called her for lunch if she was free, she agreed so they met.

Seeing Lee Rang hurt Yu Ri asked him what happened and knowing what happened Yu Ri was proud and said, "Wah Rangie good job! I'm sure Ji Hyun must have now fallen for your charms! So are you guys dating now?"

Lee Rang nodded no and said, "Not yet." Yu Ri hearing this said, "You have time to ask her out, she is your secretary so it will be easy anyways."

Lee Rang nodded a no and said, "Starting next week I will have a new secretary because company people are gossiping about her being a gold digger and using me, but she even said that since the war with our enemy will be company war she should return to her position and I agree she applied for a different post, I wouldn't like to drag her down for my selfishness."

Hearing such words from him Yu Ri looked at him shocked and said, "Wow! I never knew you loved her so much Rangie! This is the first time I'm seeing you worrying about someone elses needs above yours!"

Lee Rang tched and said, "Well she isn't someone now and I'm planning to make her mine during this week, I hope she says yes." Yu Ri cheered for him and wished him luck and said, "Well I'm sure you are showing of your charms to her, she will fall for you, don't worry! I can't wait to spend time with her! It's gonna be fun!"

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