Chapter 48

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Everyone thought Lee Rang was the type of a person who would rather be alone than attend team dinner, but turned out he was more approachable than they thought, this made them happy, they did wonder how Ji Hyun who is so cheerful ended up with such a distant person, but this dinner made them realize that he isn't that cold or distant.

Eun Jae, who was drunk and started to get comfortable, seeing Lee Rang not drinking after taking the first shot, asked, "Sir! Why are you not drinking! It's team dinner, we gotta drink and have fun!"

Lee Rang politely declined, "Well I would love to, but I have to drop Ji Hyun home, and I prefer driving myself or only let my close ones drive."

Ji Hyun who was eating coughed hearing him say that, it was basically him clearing their doubts on whether they are dating or not. Everyone nodded to his answer but Ji Soo and Eun Jae looked at Ji Hyun with a teasing gaze.

Ji Soo then handing Ji Hyun some water said, "Well slowly Ji Hyun, we don't want you to choke."

Ji Hyun smiled sheepishly and accepted the glass and thanked her. Soon the dinner was over, they didn't even realize that it was almost eleven pm. Lee Rang paid the bill while others waited for him outside.

Ji Hyun was with the members, all were waiting for the cab. Eun Jae was the one to break the silence, "I can't believe Mr. Lee was such an easy going person, but after that Mr. Yoo it was better for us to keep a distance." Everyone agreed.

Ji Hyun, who was unfamiliar with the previous boss asked, "Was the previous one that bad?" Ji Soo answered, "Yes, we would rather not talk about him! So you are dating Mr. Lee hmm~"

Since everyone had been drinking a lot they all became carefree about their surroundings, right now all they wanted was to have some fun with the most anticipated couple's gossip.

Ji Hyun blushed a little and answered, "Yeah." Ji Soo replied, "It's good you found a good man I guess, we thought he was distant and cold, but today's dinner made us realize the truth! I hope you stay happy, and if something goes wrong believe me I will be on your side!"

Ji Hyun laughed hearing this and said, "That's a relief to hear, but from how much I know Mr. Lee he won't be the one to leave me." Everyone smiled at how sincerely Ji Hyun spoke and started teasing her.

Ji Hyun just laughed along with them, Lee Rang who wanted to hear them talk basically eavesdropped on the conversation. Everyone thanked him for dinner and said they would like to have team dinners often.

Lee Rang and Ji Hyun bid them goodbye and went in their car. Lee Rang who was in a happy mood says, "Aren't you going to play some music today?"

Ji Hyun smiled, "Ah you want some? Wait, let me play." Saying that she starts a soft song playlist. Seeing Lee Rang so happy and calm she asks, "You seem really happy with having a team dinner."

Lee Rang nodded and replied, "Yeah you can say so." Ji Hyun nodded and started to hum the song being played.

Lee Rang looks at her and smiles. He then asks, "Did you enjoy the dinner?" Ji Hyun smiled tipsily and said, "Of course! It's fun to have such dinners, but we didn't go to the karaoke."

Lee Rang asks, "Oh you like karaoke?" Ji Hyun nodded and answered, "Of course! Me and Min Young always go to one." Lee Rang, hearing this said, "We will go to one on our next date? How about that?"

Ji Hyun turned to Lee Rang and staring at him she seriously asked, "You can sing?" Lee Rang laughed and replied, "How about you find that out on the day we go there?"

Ji Hyun pouts hearing his answer and said, "You are no fun Mr. Lee!" Lee Rang, who was enjoying this side of her, had a smile on his face.

Lee Rang wanting to act along asks, "So how can I be more fun for you miss Ji Hyun shi?"

Ji Hyun thought for a while and said, "Well you will have to play arcade with me! Eat lots of food with me! Drink with me! Take me to karaoke and yes, the most important one! You will always have to love me unconditionally! Even fill up the spots that are empty! Do you get that?"

Lee Rang replies, "Yes ma'am, so should we head to your house now?"

Ji Hyun thinks about it sadly and answers, "Well yes, we have to go home, tomorrow we have lots of work to do." Lee Rang nods and continues driving towards her house. After a few minutes he looked at her and saw she had fallen asleep.

Looking at her he thought, 'I wonder how she will react when I tease her.' Thinking that stops the music so Ji Hyun sleeps comfortably and pushes her seat back in a lying position.

Since it was almost around midnight and the roads were empty they reached her house quickly. He stopped the car below her apartment and let her sleep for a few minutes.

Looking at her with deep feelings inside he talks with himself, "It's not even been a day, but I truly feel that I have been with you for years! Why is that? Why are you so special? How are you able to bring out such feelings from inside of me? Why do I feel for you so strongly? Whatever the reason it may be, all I know from now on is that I want to protect you, make you happy. I guess it's because you were the one who understood my inner child, the one who is still scared about relations, you unknowingly answered him causing me to feel safe with you. Anyways, I should wake you up now."

Saying that he slightly shakes Ji Hyun to wake her up and says, "Come on Ji Hyun, wake up we reached your home." Ji Hyun slowly woke up and looked at Lee Rang with a small smile and said, "Oh we reached already?"

Lee Rang nodded and said, "Yes sadly we reached faster than I wanted." Ji Hyun who was still smiling says, "Then you shouldn't have woken me up." Lee Rang smiles at her reply and says, "I would like that, but I wouldn't want you to sleep uncomfortably like this."

Ji Hyun then started to stretch out a little and removing her seatbelt she said, "Okay sir, I will get going now! I had a lot of fun with you! Meet you tomorrow! Good night sir! Sweet dreams!"

Lee Rang smiles and says, "Good night Ji Hyun, sleep well and don't forget to dream about me." Ji Hyun giggles a little in reply and says the last bye she got out.

After she walked towards the entrance of her apartment building she turned back and waved at Lee Rang who was still there and finally walked up to her home.

Lee Rang seeing her go inside her house started driving to his.

Extra Scene

After the issue was settled from Lee Yeon's side he called Lee Rang to ask if his department work was done or not. To which Lee Rang answers, that the work is almost done and it will soon reach his brother's office.

Since the work related talk was over Lee Yeon asks, "Oye, did you not go to lunch with Ji Hyun?" Lee Rang answers, "I did, why do you ask?"

Lee Yeon replies, "Because I didn't get any notification of payment." Lee Rang clicks his tongue and replies, "Do you really think I would use your card for my first date?"

Lee Yeon smiled and answered, "Of course I know you wouldn't. I wanted to hear you try to be cool, now I;m hanging up Bye!" Saying that he ends the call and Lee Rang keeping the phone down whispers, "He keeps getting more annoying."

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