Chapter 27

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Next Morning 

Ji Hyun woke up and quickly got ready as she had to even pick up Lee Rang. She was about to leave when her mother asked, "Ji Hyun who's car is parked at our parking? I saw it while I went for a morning walk."

Ji Hyun wearing her socks replied, "Oh it's my boss's car, I have to pick him up so he gave it to me." Her mother nodded and asked, "Oh and where did you get this dress from!? It looks like the original!"

Ji Hyun looked at her and said, "Well after paying the loan installment I decided to buy some work wear, I brought it from Gangnam, of course they look like they are real. I will go now I have an important meeting."

Ha Eun seeing her in such hurry gave her a packed lunch box and said, "Have this on your way, they are some sandwiches. I packed some for Lee Rang nim as well." Ji Hyun looked at her and thanked her.

Ji Hyun keeping the box in her bag rushed down. She then got in the car and started to drive. After a 25 min ride she reached his building, parking the car she went inside and went to his house.

She looked at the time and rang the bell. After a minute Lee Rang opened the door through the deceive. Lee Rang from a distance said, "Come inside, give me a few minutes I will come."

Ji Hyun nodded and entered his house. She looked around amazed by the interior. She then sat on the sofa. Lee Rang's voice came from a room, "You can get water from the fridge if you want."

Ji Hyun nodded a no and said, "No sir I'm okay." While Lee Rang was getting ready. His phone was outside. Ji Hyun took the phone and went the way Lee Rang went.

She knocked on the door and said, "Sir your phone." Lee Rang replied, "Who is it?" Ji Hyun looked at the caller ID and saw the name, 'egg supplier.' Seeing that she in a confused tone said, "Umm sir it seems like it's your egg supplier."

Lee Rang laughed at Ji Hyun's words and said, "It's Hyung, pick it up." Ji Hyun who was mesmerized by his laugh came out of her thoughts and nodded. She was about to pick up but the call ended. Before Ji Hyun could say the call had ended Lee Yeon called him again.

Ji Hyun picked up and before she could say something Lee Yeon said, "Yah you brat! Why did you take so much time so pick up the phone!!" Ji Hyun glanced at the door and said, "Umm sir is getting ready so-"

Hearing her voice Lee Yeon spoke in a lighter tone. "Oh I see, so he is with you, I thought he would be sleeping. Anyways tell him that today's meeting is an important one and to dress well! And wear a tie as well, knowing he won't wear it!!"

Ji Hyun hearing that replied, "Okay sir I will inform him. Anything else?" Lee Yeon said, "No that's it. Bye Ji Hyun shi." Ji Hyun replied a bye and the call ended.

Lee Rang finally came out and asked, "Why did he call?" Ji Hyun answered, "To remind you to dress well, because the meeting is important and seems like you will have to wear a tie." Lee Rang looked up and saw Ji Hyun. Making him go speechless.

Noticing him looking at her she asked, "Sir is something wrong?" Lee Rang came out of his thoughts and said, "No let's go." Ji Hyun nodded and they went out.

Getting in his car Ji Hyun started to drive and said, "Sir see I kept your car safe." Lee Rang smiled and teased her saying, "Good for you! Or else you would have to pay money." Ji Hyun sighed and his words.

She was about to offer him sandwiches but seeing him not wear a tie she said, "Sirr!! We forgot your tie!! Let's go back and get it." Lee Rang seeing her in panic said, "No worries, I wasn't going to wear one anyways, the people I'm having a meeting with won't get offended just because I didn't wear a tie."

Ji Hyun replied, "As you say sir." Because she knew she can't force him. They soon reached the office. They went in and Ji Hyun went to take the files she had to give Mr. Park went with him.

They went in and saw Lee Yeon standing there. Seeing Lee Rang not wear any tie Lee Yeon said, "I knew it! You brat won't wear a tie! I brought few! Come here I will tie it for you."

Ji Hyun took the files outside leaving the brothers alone. After delivering the files to Mr. Park. She went to make Lee Rang's coffee and decided to make Lee Yeon a Americano as well.

After a few minutes she entered the office to see that Lee Yeon was not there. She asked, "Oh sir Lee Yeon left?"

Lee Rang, who was trying to tie the tie, looked at her annoyed and said, "Yes!! After annoying me he left! Why? you want him to stay so he could annoy me more?"

Ji Hyun smiled and said, "No sir I made coffee for him that's why. Oh sir did you have breakfast?"

Lee Rang nodded a no and said, "No I couldn't." Ji Hyun then said, "oh then wait a minute."

Saying that Ji Hyun left to get the sandwiches. She returned with them and saw Lee Rang throwing the tie on his desk frustratedly.

Ji Hyun giggled and said, "Sir may I help you with the tie?" Lee Rang looked at her for a second and said, "Yeah." Ji Hyun kept the sandwiches besides the coffee and went to him.

Standing in front of him she puts his collar up and slides the tie. She then started to tie it. While Lee Rang stared at her.

Ji Hyun trying to change his annoying mood said, "I learnt how to tie this to help my brother."

Lee Rang nodded and asked, "So are you wearing the outfit Yu Ri got you?" Ji Hyun smiled and said, "Yes sir, since today is an important meeting I thought I should dress well. Does it look good?"

Lee Rang smiled and replied, "Yeah it does." Ji Hyun smiled at him and took a step back and said, "I'm glad to hear that."

Unnoticed by them. When Ji Hyun entered with the coffee Irene was waiting for the chance to spy on them. Seeing Lee Rang smile so sweet made her blood boil. She clicked a picture and whispered, 'Soon that will be my place Ji Hyun!! Just you wait! I will show your true colors to my Lee Rang."

Extra Scene

Irene made a hate group for Ji Hyun and said she wanted to show everyone Ji Hyun's true color so they should post any clue they get here. Everyone who liked Lee Rang was added to the group. Everyone agreed and decided to keep an eye on Ji Hyun's every moves.

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