Chapter 37

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Ji Hyun looked at Lee Rang when they stopped at a signal and saw him sleeping and slowly said, "Hmm looks like I will have to make him a hangover soup! I feel bad that he had to drink for me but at the same time I liked it! Hehe."

Ji Hyun ended up giggling a little loudly, she quickly checked if Lee Rang heard or not and seeing his eyes closed Ji Hyun sighed in relief and said, "Ah I should stop talking loudly, or else I will wake him up."

Lee Rang smiled as he heard all the words, he now had hope that Ji Hyun has a crush on him. He was happy that it won't take that long for him to make her his.

They reached his building. Ji Hyun parking the car, looked at Lee Rang and saw he was still asleep. She reached out her hand and shook his shoulder and said, "Sir we are at your house, you should wake up."

Lee Rang opened his eyes and looked at Ji Hyun passionately. Ji Hyun seeing him stare at her like that forgot for a second what she was about to say.

Lee Rang then asked, "Ah, are we home?" Ji Hyun nodded and said, "Yes sir, that's why I woke up, we have reached your building."

Lee Rang let out a sigh and said, "Hmm okay, follow me up." Ji Hyun looked at the time when he said to follow him and saw it was almost eleven.

Ji Hyun was about to ask if she can go home instead but Lee Rang got out. Ji Hyun seeing that got out as well and followed him from behind. It looked like he is more stable now.

They entered the lift and Lee Rang leaned on he corner seeing that Ji Hyun asked, "Sir are you okay?"

Lee Rang nodded and a yes and said, "Yes I'm okay." Ji Hyun just nodded. They reached his floor. Ji Hyun thinking he is still tipsy went ahead and opened the door, only to be jumped on by Lee Yeon.

Seeing each other both backed off, Ji Hyun who was startled was held by Lee Rang who asked, "Hey what happened?" Saying that he looked up and saw his brother.

Lee Yeon seeing Lee Rang said, "Bro where were you!? I have been waiting since an hour!" Lee Rang sighed and answered, "I was in a meeting with Yoon's."

Lee Yeon remembering the meeting said, "Oh yes the meeting! Did you get the deal?" Lee Rang nodded and said, "Now will you let us in or we have to stand outside?"

Lee Yeon got out of the way, Lee Rang and Ji Hyun got inside.

Lee Yeon then announced, "I'm officially proposing Ji A to marry me on Sunday!"

Hearing this Ji Hyun started clapping and said, "WOW sir! That's great news!! Congratulations!!"

Lee Rang just nodded and said, "Oh that's good news Hyung." Lee Yeon nodded excited and said, "You have to come okay!"

Ji Hyun who was excited imagining the scene said, "Of course sir will come! You don't have to invite him!!" Lee Yeon looked at Lee Rang with hope, he wanted him to come, it would mean that he has accepted Ji A fully.

Lee Rang seeing him look at him that way said, "Of course I would come!!"

Lee Yeon nodded and said, "So you are coming to the restaurant this Sunday! I would like you to be there! Even her family is coming! I will invite Shin Joo and Yu Ri. Oh Ji Hyun you come as well with Lee Rang."

Ji Hyun looked at him and said, "But it's a family occasion how can I?" Lee Yeon replied, "Oh come on! You are practically family now!" Saying that he looked at Lee Rang to tease him but seeing him glare he said, "What I mean is we are close like family so of course you are invited!"

Ji Hyun smiled and said, "Okay then I will come!" Ji Hyun said happily, it would be the first time for her to experience such a lovely moment.

Lee Yeon then asked, "Ji Hyun shi, how are you going home?" Ji Hyun looked at the time and answered, "Hmm bus services have stopped so probably I will have to take a taxi."

Lee Yeon shook his head and said, "Oh well I can drop you off." Ji Hyun hesitated, but Lee Yeon walking out turned to her and asked, "What are you waiting for? Let's go."

Ji Hyun nodded and turned to Lee Rang she said, "I will take my leave sir, good night! I will bring some soup for you so rest well." Lee Rang smiled and just nodded his head.

Lee Yeon and Lee Rang sat in the car and Lee Yeon told her to input her address in the gps.

Ji Hyun then sat quietly not knowing what to say, after all he was the CEO of her company. Lee Yeon noticing that she is nervous asked, "So how is work? My stupid brother doesn't trouble you right?"

Ji Hyun answered, "Yes sir, a little." Lee Yeon smiled and said, "Come to me if that brat troubles you a lot, I may seem rude but I will help you whenever you ask for it! It's just that when we first met, I had to act like I didn't care because many people can use the info about my enemy as a weakness."

Ji Hyun smiled and realized he must have wanted to say that but couldn't find the right time. She then assured him, "Well sir I know, well I never thought of it that way, I understand that you must have been worried about many things after all this is a huge thing, you don't have to feel apologetic."

Lee Yeon smiled and said, "You are really matured, thank you for understanding my situation as well, I will be honest, I have to worry about a lot, I don't know who the enemy is, how they will attack, plus I have people to protect, I have to act strong for them."

Ji Hyun gave him a sad smile, feeling bad for him, she said, "Well sir I have to say, you are doing a pretty good job! Keep the same spirit and this too shall pass, you know it's said that we should never love our good time as it will change and we should never hate our bad times as it will pass too."

Lee Yeon smiled hearing her words and repeated, "This too shall pass. That's true Ji Hyun! Thank you for giving me strength." Ji Hyun said nothing in return and they enjoyed the ride. She knew that even the strongest need some strength to hold on to. 

They reached Ji Hyun's home and Ji Hyun removing her seatbelt said, "Sir thank you for dropping me home and I was very happy to hear about your proposal, I wish you luck and if you need any help, do call me, I will help you in any way possible!"

Lee Yeon nodded and said, "Your welcome and yes, if I need help I will tell you." Ji Hyun opening the door said, "Good night sir drive safe!" Lee Yeon hmms and said, "Good night."

Ji Hyun closed the door and went to her home.

Extra Scene

Lee Rang realizing that Lee Yeon was the one dropping Ji Hyun, hoped that his brother doesn't say anything weird. He messaged him, "Call me after you drop Ji Hyun home."

After around thirty minutes not seeing Lee Yeon call him, he called him and said, "You better have not said anything stupid to her."

Lee Yeon replied, "Woah! Woah! Little brother clam down! Anyways, she is home safely so don't worry and yes I might or not have said anything, that's up to you to figure out! Now bye I'm driving."

Saying that Lee Yeon ended the call with a smile knowing Lee Rang's reaction.

PS : Next chapter will be amazing! Y'all will love it!


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