Chapter 21

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They got up and Ji Hyun asked, "So let's meet soon?" Yu Ri smirked hearing that and said, "The day has just begun, we have more places to go." Ji Hyun looked at her a little surprised and asked, "Then what are we going to do next?"

Yu Ri smirked and asked, "Have fun what else, now let's go." Saying that Yu Ri excitedly dragged Ji Hyun to her car but Ji Hyun stopped her and said, "Tell me the place, I will reach there by my cycle."

Hearing this Yu Ri shocked asked, "Did you come here by riding your cycle? Where do you live?"

Ji Hyun answered," Oh well, it was just a twenty minutes ride." Yu Ri sighed and said, "I own this mall so don't worry about your cycle let's go with my car."

Hearing the "I own this mall." Ji Hyun stud there shook about the new information. But then, coming out of her shock, she followed Yu Ri.

Yu Ri drove to a gaming arcade. Seeing the gaming arcade Ji Hyun smiled in excitement. She would usually visit gaming arcades in her free time.

They both entered and Yu Ri rushed to a punch machine. Ji Hyun followed her.

Yu Ri, putting in cash, punched the bag and she got a score of 650. Seeing that Ji Hyun clapped and said, "Wow you got power!"

Yu Ri nodded and said, "You see this best score? Rangie was the one to score that. He was really angry that day."

Ji Hyun looked at the score and saw it was a 1000. See that she thought 'just how angry he must have been to punch it that hard?'

Ji Hyun then inserted a coin and got ready to punch, she got in the position and punched it with great force.

The score was 400. Seeing the score Ji Hyun smiled and said, "This is my pesonal best! my last highest was 380."

Yu Ri smiled and said, "Well it's a good score for someone wo doesn't work out."

They then went to a zombie killing vr game. They both were good in this game. They were able to set a new record. Everyone around them looked in amazed at just how fast they completed the level.

The boys who played before them challenged them to beat their score. Yu Ri and Ji Hyun with confidence accepted the challange and won.

The bet was that whoever wins get to take the points of the losing team at the end of the day. They won and then they played some more games. At the end of the day they had many point with which they could easily receive a good prize.

They went to the counter and calculated their points. They could win a huge prize but they didn't like the prizes on display so they both gave the points to kids. The kids jumped around happily and thanked them. A kid who had candies with him gave them few as a return gift making them happy.

They went out of the arcade. Since it was around dinner time they went to have dinner, they didn't even realise that they spent so much time in arcade. They went to a classic noddle restaurant in that area which was just across the street.

They had their dinner while discussing their time spent in the arcade and how they make a good team in games. They were eating happily not noticing someone had followed them from the arcade.

After dinner it was finally time for them to end this outing. They had to walk through an alley to get to Yu Ri's car.

Yu Ri noticed someone following them. Yu Ri and Ji Hyun turned around feeling a hand on their shoulder. Yu Ri elbowed him on the stomach making him go back.

Yu Ri then said, "If you don't want to die, leave us alone." Hearing this the guy and his two friends tched. And one of them said, "Chill, we don't want to hurt you guys, we saw how you girls were giving away the tickets you earn to the kids so we wanted to get something to. And this time you will receive something in return as well you know. We can pay you some good amount." The guy finished with a pervert expression hearing this Yu Ri and Ji Hyun both got angry.

The other guy coming closer to them said, "Plus we could make you have some real fun you know." Saying that he was about to touch Yu Ri but Ji Hyun pushed him away and said, "There is a limit to everything, it's better you three get lost."

Saying this Ji Hyun held Yu Ri and started to take her away because she knew if she started beating them things could go bad.

The third guy seeing them go held Ji Hyun hand and twisted it after pulling her close. Yu Ri turned around feeling the pull and saw that was happening making her angry. Ji Hyun's patience got over and she head butt that guy hurting him on his nose, causing it to bleed. That guy pushed Ji Hyun in pain.

The other guys came to attack Ji Hyun but Yu Ri walked towards them and said, "You guys had to ruin my good day!! I warned you before head. Now don't you dare beg me to spare your lives."

Saying that she started beating all three of them with Ji Hyun. Their friend who had gone to the washroom came back and seeing his friends getting beaten so badly he called the police.

The police came and took them away to the police station. Reaching there Ji Hyun said, "Sir we would like to file a case against these guys, they behaved very inappropriately with us."

The officer looked at both of them and turned to the guys, then said, "Oh you, so these two girls were assaulting your friends am I right?"

Hearing this Yu Ri said, "US!? Assaulting them!? Have you gone crazy officer? This is called self defense. I even warned them to get lost but they didn't listen to us!!"

The guys who were beaten said, "Hey!!! Are you seeing how much you hurt us! We couldn't even do anything to you!! See my nose, I have lost so much blood."

Ji Hyun hearing this shouted, "So should we have waited for you to do things!!! Yah Yu Ri was nice enough to keep you alive!! Or else-"

The first guy in anger asked, "Or else what?" He was cut of with Yu Ri slapping him hard on his face. Then she started beating him again. The other guy tried to pull Yu Ri away but Ji Hyun came and started hiting him and said, "You perverts never learn lessons!!"

Yu Ri beating them said, "They only know the language of fist!" Saying this she was about to kick him but the officers who were pancined before came into sense and pulled everyone away from each other. The head officer decided to put all of them in separate cells.

He turned to the girls and said, "I think you should call your guardian now." Hearing this Ji Hyun turned pale and said, "Why call guardians? They were following us from the time we were at the arcade! You can check the cctv footage if you want! They were the ones who mentioned it themselves."

The officer hearing this nodded and commanded his team to go check the arcade cctv footage as well. But then he said, "You guys could have left the things there, but you guys started beating them again while officers were present. So it's better you call your guardian."

Hearing this Ji Hyun sighed and turned to Yu Ri and asked, "What should we do? My parents will faint hearing this!" Yu Ri who was thinking turned to her and said, "Don't worry, we can call a common guardian."

Saying this she gave them a number and told them to call on this number. Ji Hyun looked at her and asked, "Who's number did you give?"

Yu Ri smiled and said, "You will see, so don't worry and chill." Hearing this for some reason Ji Hyun had a feeling that she should be worrying. She just hope that everything would be solved fast without any problem.

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