Chapter 5

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It was the day when Ji Hyun and Min Young would receive the email of weather they were accepted as an intern or not, both were very nervous and pacing around the college campus nervously. 

Receiving a message notification both looked at their phones, seeing it was from Lee Group both said, “yah I’m too nervous, please check it for me!” Both looked at each other nervously. Ji Hyun sighed and said, “let’s look at each others mail.” Min Young nodded and they exchanged their phones and opened the mail.

Reading it both screamed, “OMG!!!!! You got accepted!!!!!!!” Both looked at each other, and hugging they both jumped together and Min Young said, “OMG Yay!! We made it!! Now we can work together!!” Ji Hyun as much excited said, “Ikr! Now we can work together!! It will be so fun!!” 

Tired from jumping, Ji Hyun sat and said, “Now I won’t have to work at that Korean restaurant, that boss is so rude!! Today after taking my salary I can finally say I quit!”

Min Young nodded and said, “do it girl!!” Ji Hyun nodded happily and said, “yah I will leave for work, I will have to work for today at least.” Min Young nodded and bidding goodbye Ji Hyun left for work.

Ji Hyun again had to deliver, and by chance Lee Rang again had ordered naengmyeon from there, actually he was a regular customer. He opened the door seeing Ji Hyun, seeing her he kept a straight face, Ji Hyun who recoginzed him said, “hello sir, I will be working in your company from tomorrow as an intern!” 

Lee Rang glanced at her and just nodded and said, “good for you, here!” he said giving her the money Ji Hyun nodded and taking the money she went away and thought ‘I shouldn’t have talked to him, I don’t think he liked it! What an impression Ji Hyun! Why did you do that! He might now think you are trying to get in his good side! No I’m sure he thinks that!! You ruined your image even before starting work bravoooo!!!’ She went away cursing herself for the dumb thing she just did.

Here Lee Rang who opened the door was little happy to see her, but then reminded himself to not let her occupy his mind. He was busy in his thought when she talked to him, due to his thoughts he ended up being rude and gave her a plain reply and shut the door off after paying for the food.

Reaching the restaurant Ji Hyun calmed herself and asked her boss to pay her salary. After getting paid, she was happy and announced, “I won’t come from tomorrow. I got an internship in a good company. Bye! Thank you for everything!” Ji Hyun was about to leave because knowing him, he would get angry so it was better she just left after saying it. 

Hearing this the boss was shocked and angry on how she didn’t inform before, plus he didn’t want a hardworking employee to go away so he asked, “do you want a salary raise? Are you going to come back after the internship? For how long is the internship?” 

Ji Hyun smiled and answered, “it’s for 3 months, and it depends on weather I work there permanently or not. Sorry for not informing you before, but it wasn’t sure if I would get in or not. I shall go now.” Saying that Ji Hyun left the shop and called her brother to the mobile shop so they could buy the phone he wants. 

While waiting for him she waited in a café and looked at the acceptance letter, she smiled seeing that she is now an intern there, because there were 75 applicants and only 15 would get selected. 

Hyun Sik entered the cafe, seeing his sister, he sat down beside her and asked, “let’s go” Hearing his voice she looked up and said, “oh you are here! You know I got the internship at the -” 

Hyun Sik cut her off, “we can talk later. Let’s go buy my phone, I want to hurry home.” Ji Hyun, seeing his plain reaction, nodded and they went to buy his phone. 

Ji Hyun thought of herself as lucky today because the phone her brother wanted came in her salary, if the money was short she was sure her parents would be disappointed, and she didn’t want that. 

Buying his phone they went home, reaching home Hyun Sik showed their parents his new phone, who were happy to see him happy, while Ji Hyun just went to her room saying she is home. 

She took a nap for a while but was woken up by her mothers voice saying, “Hyun ah, come help me make dinner if you are not doing anything!” To which Ji Hyun replied, “coming in 2 minutes!” Saying this she washed her face and went to help in the kitchen. 

The dinner was severed and Ji Hyun decided to tell them she got the internship and said, “mom dad I got the internship.” Hearing this both asked, “which internship?” 

Then her mother remembered, “oh yes you applied for Lee Group, how can we forgot, sorry it slipped our minds! But congratulation!” Her father nodded and said, “yes indeed it’s a good news, but remember to work properly and try to get the job there, don’t mees it up.”  

Ji Hyun smiled and said, “yes appa, I will do my best! And I will try to not disappoint you!” and after that the Kim family had their dinner peacefully. 

After that Ji hyun was in her room when Min Young called her and told her to come to the park near her house. Ji Hyun ended the call, and went to meet Min Young. 

Seeing her sitting at the swing she went and sat at the swing besides her and asked, “so what happened?” Min Young smiled seeing her and said, “you are here!! Take this! It’s my gift for getting accepted there!” 

Seeing the bag Ji Hyun said, “come on there is no need of this!” Min Young smiled and said, “of course there is! We both know how important this internship is, plus it’s our first day tomorrow and we both especially you have to make a good impression! And don’t feel guilty about taking this, just treat me with your salary.” 

Ji Hyun smiled at her gesture, this meant a lot, she was happy that Min Young was there to celebrate every events that's happened in her life and said, “I will of course! I would have even if you didn’t give me this!” 

Min Young nodded and said, “I know because you are the best!” Ji Hyun smiled and asked, “ready for tomorrow?” Min Young excitedly answered, “more than ready, let’s get home we should sleep, tomorrow is our big day after all!” Ji Hyun nodded and bidding goodbye they left for their home. 

On the way Ji Hyun checked what it was and realized it was the same dress she tried at the mall, Ji Hyun sighed and said, ‘she always does so much for me! It’s good to have such a friend! I will surely give her a good gift.’ Ji Hyun reached home and kept the dress in her wardrobe. She changed into night wear and went to sleep excited about tomorrow. 

Extra Scene 

At the mall the day when both the girls went shopping. While Ji Hyun was changing her clothes Min Young was paying for the ones she brought and she told the cashier, “excuse me I will buy the dress my friend tried, I will pay for it now but pick it up later, is it okay?”

The cashier smiled and answered, “certainly!” Min Young proceeded to pay while thinking of Ji Hyun’s reaction. She was very excited to gift this to her. The next day Min Young brought the dress for Ji Hyun. 

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