Chapter 22

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Lee Rang who was busy enjoying an action movie was called. He picked up and spoke in a annoyed tone. But after knowing the situation and hearing Yu Ri and Ji Hyun's name he rushed to the police station.

After around thirty minutes Lee Rang went inside the station and said, "I'm here for Ki Yu Ri and Kim Ji Hyun." Hearing him call their names Yu Ri said, "Rangie here!! Tell them to first get us out of here! It's hot!"

Seeing them there he turned serious and asked, "Why are you guys inside the cell?" He then looked around and saw no officer present at the moment.

Yu Ri replied, "Because we did what the officers didn't do. Anyways were did that officer go!!"

Lee Rang then asked, "What happened, tell me exactly." Yu Ri sighed and said, "Those guys over there dared to ask our price, so we decided to show the price."

Lee Rang hearing this looked over the other cell and saw four boys inside it. He looked at them with an dark expression and seriously asked, "Well how much will you give me to spare your life?"

The guy's gulped feeling a heavy aura. Lee Rang continued, "Be glad I wasn't there, or else your parents would be crying over your body."

Hearing this the boys were about to say something but the only officer who was on duty came back and seeing Lee Rang there asked, "Yes how can I help you."

Lee Rang replied, "Oh I'm here for Ki Yu Ri and Kim Ji Hyun." The officer nodded and opened their cell. Both of them got out and Ji Hyun bowed a little to Lee Rang.

The officer then said, "Never hit anyone while there is a officer present, let them do their duty instead, this time we will let you off, since a officer just checked the CCTV footage and what these girls are saying is the truth." The girls nodded and Then the officer turned to Lee Rang and said, "The boys have caused a offense, but it was caught before anything could happen, we will keep them here for two days and they all will be fined around two million won."

Ji Hyun clapped happily knowing two million won is so much. Yu Ri tched in anger and said, "They will have to pay us for mental damage! You know they ruined a day I finally get to enjoy!! We want 2.5 million won each that makes 5 million in total or else we can see them in court. Here is my contact so you can contact me."

Seeing the card of Ki enterprise the police officer gulped and stood up and said, "We apologize for the inconvenience we have caused the two of you, we will make sure that what you said is done! And we will make sure they dare not to do these kind of things again."

Yu Ri couldn't show her card before because the officers weren't listening to her, they said they would talk to them after their guardian came. Now the officers regretted, this matter would have ended sooner if they just let her speak.

The guys who were about to fight about the compensation Yu Ri asked for now got scared seeing the officer talking so formally with her. They finally realized that they have messed with a wrong person.

Ji Hyun was is cloud nine because she was calculating just how much debt will be left after cutting 2 million won out of it. The sooner the debt is paid the better, her mother won't have to sell side dishes anymore and her dad can avoid driving the taxi for extra hours.

After years of working through out the high school and collage Ji Hyun and her family were able to pay around 12 million won and now these 2 million won would make it 14. This meant that after max 8 months they will finally be freed from the debt and live the life happily.

She was happily walking out the police station when Lee Rang's voice called her out.

Lee Rang seeing the girls act so normal was angry now. He then said, "You both stop right now!"

Hearing him both turned to him and Ji Hyun finally realized that her boss is the one who freed her and he knows what she did today. All her happiness was turned into grief and she looked down apologetically.

Seeing that Lee Rang said, "Looks like you finally realize who I am Ji Hyun shi! And what's with both of you acting so normal! Is this a joke to you!? Do you have any idea how worried I was when I received the call!? And with all the things happening with us, do you think this is a small matter! Do you guys have any slightest idea what would happen in the worst situation!?"

Yu Ri sighed and said, "Rangie~ Don't shout we are sorry to make you worried but not sorry because we didn't know we would end up here, plus it was the boys fault they annoyed us so much, they ruined my mood. Those disgusting creatures are the ones to blame. Ji Hyun tried to get us out of the place before it got nasty but they tried to stop us and I had no option but to call you. You know my situation and Ji Hyun said her parents would faint hearing the news so we had to call you."

Lee Rang sighed hearing this and said, "Let's just get going. I don't wanna think about this more, it will just make me more angry. You guys weren't hurt right?"

Yu Ri nodded a no and said, "How could those fools hurt us! Even Ji Hyun could beat them up." Lee Rang looked at Ji Hyun and checked if she was hurt or not.

He cleared his throat and said, "As long as you guys are okay. Now let's go back."

Saying this Lee Rang started to walk towards his car. Both the girls looked at each other and started laughing. Hearing them laugh Lee Rang turned around. He was about to say something but stopped and let them be. The girls then started walking towards Lee Rang.

Sitting inside both sat together in the back. Seeing them sit there Lee Rang pissed asked, "Do I look like your driver?"

Yu Ri chuckled and answered, "Well technically yes!" Ji Hyun nodded a no and said, "I'm sorry sir I will do the driving." Saying this Ji Hyun was about to get out when Lee Rang said, "It's okay. Sit there, I don't like people driving me around anyways."

Saying this Lee Rang started to drive. He first dropped Ji Hyun to her house then he drove to Yu Ri's place.

Extra Scene

On the way to the police station Lee Rang was very worried about his best friend and his secretary. The person who never prayed to god easily, prayed for their safety. He was usually very sensitive regarding Yu Ri as he was the one who saved her from her past. Now he was even worried for his newly hired employee. He hoped that this wasn't anything serious.

While both the girls and the fours guys kept fighting verbally which annoyed the officer. He went out to take some fresh air while waited for their guardian to come.

Yu Ri sighed and said, "Things turned out wild today, it was fun!" Ji Hyun nodded and said, "Even I could beat them up and how big they talked I'm sure they would be very disappointing anyways."

Yu Ri cracked up hearing this and said, "That's right, this will give them a reality check!!"  Ji Hyun nodded. Yu Ri then said, "I think we should hang out more!!" Ji Hyun who had so much fun, she could finally be a little of herself said, "I had a lot of fun as well, let's hang out more."

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