Chapter 52

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Lee Rang was the first one to get up from their little nap. Feeling Ji Hyun's hold on him he smiled at her and moved a strand of hair away from her face as she adores her.

Seeing her sleep so peacefully he wished that she would always be at peace. But his wish broke as his doorbell rang.

Lee Rang looked towards the door thinking who it might be, Ji Hyun whined in her sleep as the doorbell rang again.

Lee Rang sighed and quickly checking who it was opened the door for his one and only brother.

Ji Hyun who woke up from the nap seeing Lee Rang opening the door quickly fixed herself.

Lee Yeon greeted his younger brother with a smile and said, "Looks like you were sleeping."

Lee Rang replied, "yes until you woke us up."

Lee Yeon, hearing this, asked, "Oh nice! Ji Hyun is here too?"

Hearing her name Ji Hyun greeted, "Hello Mr. Lee, come inside."

Saying that Ji Hyun quickly grabbed the blanket and while folding it she kept it inside a room and coming back she gave Lee Yeon a glass of water.

Lee Yeon thanked her and said, "So how are you feeling Rang ah?"

Lee Rang nodded his head and replied, "Feeling better. Anyways tell me you at least brought my favorite food after waking us up!" He said eying the bag of food Lee Yeon kept at the coffee table.

Lee Yeon proudly smiled and said, "You bet! And I even got some for Ji Hyun as I knew she would be here." Come on Ji Hyun, let's dig in."

Ji Hyun nodded and sat down with the brothers for supper.

They all started eating and Lee Yeon said, "The others will arrive anytime now, I might have figured out what he is after this time."

The couple nodded and soon the bell rang, it was Ji Ah.

Ji Hyun greeted her with a smile. They both got in as they asked about each other's health.

As Ji Ah sat down, Lee Yeon side hugged her. Ji Ah breaking the hug and looking at him said, "Well why did you call me here?"

Lee Yeon smiled and replied, "Let Shin Ju and Yu Ri come, I will answer you, so did you eat well?"

Ji Ah nodded a yes and said, "Yes we had fun, all the team members were asking for you! And those who didn't know you wanted to see you too."

Lee Yeon smiled and asked, "Then should I come pick you up tomorrow?"

Ji Ah smiled and answered, "I don't mind that!"

As they were talking, Ji Hyun smiled looking at them. She then got up to get some water. Lee Rang followed her behind and back hugged her and said, "So did you sleep well?"

Ji Hyun smiled and answered, "Yes I did, I think it was the best nap ever."

Lee Rang, who was smiling, kissed her neck and said, "Well you are always welcome for sleepovers."

Ji Hyun blushed a little due to the sudden neck kiss and said, "I would love that too. Taking a bottle of water from the fridge and drinking it she asked if he wanted some. Lee Rang nodded a no.

The bell rang, Lee Rang broke the hug and announced, "I will get it."

But the door opened revealing Yu Ri and Shin Ju. Since Yu Ri knew the password she opened the door.

Seeing her, Lee Rang smiled and said, "Oh you are here!"

Yu Ri went to him and asked, "How are you Rangie? Where is Ji Hyunie?"

Ji Hyun came out from the kitchen and said, "I'm here!"

Yu Ri hugged Ji Hyun and whispered, "He looks much better thank you, I was worried about him."

Ji Hyun smiled and said, "No problem. You helped him by showing up this afternoon too!"

Yu Ri broke the hug and smiled.

Yu Ri was happy that Ji Hyun was someone who did not become jealous of her relationship with Lee Rang and accepted their platonic relationship.

Ji Hyun was glad that Lee Rang was surrounded with people who love him so much. She never thought of Yu Ri being a third wheel, in fact Yu Ri made it more fun. During the time they dated Yu Ri tagged along sometimes as they both couldn't meet but while they were out all three of them were equally included in every conversation.

They all settled down and Lee Yeon started, "I have confirmed how he is attacking us this time and it has already started."

After a pause he continued, "He is attacking our company, he is taking away our clients. I noticed the company's that our company deals with are ending their contract and all are going to only one company."

"It's a company called LR."

Hearing this everyone glanced at Lee Rang thinking the same thing and Lee Rang asked, "Why is the company named after my initials! Didn't he have any better ideas!?"

Ji Ah added, "Or it can be a message."

Lee Yeon nodded and said, "I feel the same, because if I look back on the incidents most of them were meant to hurt Lee Rang." Hearing this, Ji Hyun started to worry about Lee Rang.

Lee Rang holds her hand assuring her that it's okay, it's not a big deal.

Yu Ri adds, "So that's why Ji Hyun was attacked as well, but why didn't they go after me then?"

Ji Ah answered, "Probably because they couldn't have afforded to go against you? If both the big companies were against one small company he would not be able to survive at all."

Shin Ju adds, "But what if it's not like that and he might use Yu Ri to attack him personally?"

Yu Ri patted Shin Ju's shoulder and said, "Nothing can happen to me, don't you worry! Rangie has taught me self defense!"

Ji Hyun concerned said, "But please be careful Yu Ri shi, it's better to be safe than sorry."

Yu Ri smiled and said, "I will take care guys! Don't worry! But since we know who is behind this won't we just have to catch him."

Lee Yeon claps his hands and said, "It won't be that easy because in five years he has not once appeared on screen or shown his face anywhere. But the good thing is at least we know which direction to go now."

Everyone sighed hearing this piece of information, Lee Yeon clapped his hands and said, "So now I think we should wait for him to show his face." All nodded in agreement to the plan hoping all this would end soon because this war with the Lee was almost going on for eight years now!

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