Chapter 9

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Ji Hyun reached home and getting freshen up she laid down and sighed thinking of the events, but since she was exhausted sleep took over her. 

Here Lee Rang who just got home was puzzled by the way he acted. He was confused at to why he was so angered by the thought of a mere intern getting hurt.

After a few minutes he came to the conclusion that he might have started to like her, but he denied the fact and said, “it was all due to the heat in the moment! And I would have saved any girl in such situation. Yes! That can never happen, I Lee Rang can’t and will never love any women. Plus she doesn’t have anything that would interest me in a romantic way.”  

Saying this he went to sleep but when he closed his eyes he saw her face when she laughed on his joke and smiled. 

Next Morning Ji Hyun was awaken due to a phone call, she picked up and in a sleepy voice said, “hello” Min Young shouted, “yah did you hear what happened at your café! I hope your co worker is okay.” 

Ji Hyun sleepily said, “yeah I’m okay, our COO Lee Rang saved me.” Hearing this Min Young shouted, “wait you were the girl who was attcked? Are you okay!? I’m coming over!!” Saying that Min Young hanged up.

Ji Hyun sighed getting up, she looked at the time it was 10 am. She went to brush her teeth and get ready before Min Young comes. Going to the living room she saw her mother seeing the news, drinking water she looked at the news.

“The brother of Lee Yeon who is the owner and CEO of Lee Group, his brother Lee Rang saved a girl from getting assaulted! The guy was a frequent assaulter who would work part-time at cafes and target girls, he will be sentenced to 4 years of jail. Lee Rang will be getting an award for helping police to catch such a criminal. We talked to the café owner and she was very grateful for his act and gald her employee is safe.”

Then the reporter said, “now we will interview Lee Rang who saved the girl. Saying this the reporter followed Lee Rang while he was entering the building, she asked, “Mr. Lee, how do you feel saving the girl?” 

Ji Hun’s identity was kept hidden with other girls so no one knew except the owner and co workers.

Lee Rang annoyed by this attention said, “you all saw and know what happened, so stop asking me questions and leave me alone. There is nothing more to ask or answer.” Saying this he went inside.

Seeing all this Ji Hyun shouted “Ahhh!!!!!” frustratedly and thought, ‘will all this anger him more? What will I do if he hates me more!?’ She sobbed at the thought and cooked some eggs. 

Her mother looked at her and asked, “yah! Why are you screaming in the morning? Btw you don’t have to go to the café you work at?” Hearing this Ji Hyun sighed and thought, ‘so you don’t even know the café I work at?’ and answered, “the owner is out so the café is shut down for the weekend.” 

Saying this she ate the eggs she cooked, while she checked her phone, it was filled with the messages of her co workers, so she replied to them saying she is okay and thanked them for asking. Suddenly the bell rang, knowing it was Min Young she hurriedly opened and shut Min Young’s mouth before she could speak anything and took her inside her room.

Before Ji Hyun’s mother could ask anything Ji Hyun said, “she came over for a project, we will be studying in my room.” and went to her room. Entering the room, Ji Hyun closed the door.

Min Young then said, “yah are you okay!? Why didn’t you call me! What happened? Tell me everything!!” Ji Hyun nodded and making her sit down and narrated the story.

Hearing it Min Young squealed with excitement and said, “omg that was so kdrama like! But I’m glad you are safe and fine! Hearing that it was you scared me so much!” Min Young after a pause asked, “so Ji Hyun ah how did it feel to be saved by the Lee Rang!?”

Hearing this Ji Hyun looked at her with a bored face and asked, “seriously!?” Min Young shrugged her shoulders and said, “well he is handsome! Now tell me!!” Ji Hyun sighed and said, “well yeah he helped me so I’m grateful, and what’s the big deal he is a human in the end. I’m scared that he will hate me more.”

Min Young looked at her and said, “you still think he hates you because you said that? Come on girl, he might have been in a bad mood that time, it’s just your imagination and who cares what words he used when he came to greet you. He came and saved you. That means he doesn’t hate you, if he wanted he could just go home, but he came back to save you. So don’t worry.” 

Saying this Min Young hugged Ji Hyun and said, “don’t hesitate to call me from now on and please stop working so late at night, you are already working on the weekends.” 

Ji Hyun replied, “I was thinking the same, it’s better that I quite working at night, but I will have to work this week since it will make a month I will quite after that I promise.” Min Young pouted hearing this as she didn’t want Ji Hyun to work at night even for a day and said, “yah leave it na, your safety is more important!” 

Ji Hyun nodded and said, “I know, but it’s just one week what can happen, plus I will be on phone with you while I cycle home. Deal?” Min Young nodded and said, “deal but you have the pepper spray with you in the bag right.” Ji Hyun nodded and said, “yes I do, now stop worrying and tell me what you want to do today?”

Min Young smiled at the question and said, “let’s just finish the project today, let’s hang out tomorrow.” Ji Hyun nodded and said, “okay! Just let me have a quick shower, I will be back.” Min Young nodded and sat waiting for Ji Hyun to return.

Min Young was just scrolling on her phone when there was a knock on the door, she looked up and it was Ji Hyun’s mother, Min Young got up and greeted her, “hello aunty I’m Ji Hyun’s friend, Min Young.” Ji Hyun’s mom smiled and kept the snacks down and said, “Nice to meet you, I’m glad you came here, Ji Hyun rarely brings her friends.”

Min Young smiled and said, “oh I see.” Then Ji Hyun’s mother asked, “so what brings you here?” Min Young answered, “well our project deadline is near so I came to do the project together.”

Ji Hyun’s mother nodded and said, “okay then, you relax and have some snacks while Ji Hyun comes back, call me if you need something.” Min Young replied, “I will. Thank you aunty.” Ji Hyun’s mom left after that.

Ji Hyun soon came in after that and said, “sorry to keep you waiting, let’s start?” Min Young replied, “no worries, yeah let's get started.” and they started to do their projects. 

Extra Scene 

Yu Ri hearing what happened called Lee Rang, he picked up and asked her why she called and she proudly said, “well you were brave to save that girl! I’m impressed with you Rangie!” Lee Rang scoffed lightly and asked, “what’s there to be impressed that girl would have saved herself, she hit the guy with a mug so hard on his head that it made him faint.” 

 Yu Ri laughed hearing that and said, “who is this crazy girl! I like her!” Lee Rang smile and said, “well you know her the intern that works at the café.” Yu Ri smiled and said, “oh!! It’s her! Can’t wait to meet her again. Rangie I have to go. Bye Rangie!” saying this Yu Ri ended the phone call and Lee Rang enetred his house.

While here Ji Hyun's mother prepared snacks thinking, ‘I have seen this girl somewhere!’ After she confirmed that Min Young was the future owner of the Park group she thought, ‘oh wow Ji Hyun is making great friends! I should treat Min Young well! It will benefit us.’ saying that she brought good snacks for Min Young.

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