Chapter 54

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The day ended, Lee Rang and Ji Hyun were ready to leave they were greeted by Lee Yeon.

He came in with a very serious face making Lee Rang alert and Ji Hyun concerned.

Lee Yeon looking at Lee Rang showed them a card, it was an invitation card. Lee Rang walked towards his brother and taking the card in his hand read the details.

It was an invitation from P electronics, since he was back he hosted a party to socialize with everyone. The party was after fifteen days. Many big and medium companies were invited and Lee being one of the biggest couldn't miss the chance of not going.

But right now the biggest concern to them was his wife, with whom Lee Rang had a painful past.

Lee Rang sighed and said, "You go I won't come."

Lee Yeon sighed and said, "Yes I understand, but I think we both should go because the CEO of LR might come.

Lee Rang looked at his brother with a hint of anger and said, "I don't care I'm not going to this party and see my mother happy with her own family after she abandoned me!"

Ji Hyun knowing that if they both spoke it would turn out to be a fight said, "Oh well if you don't wanna go then let's leave it here, how about we go to your house and have something I'm hungry, the party is anyways fifteen days in the future so let's not worry about some boring party!"

Saying that she winked at Lee Yeon, he understood that she might have something planned and said, "You are right, I will leave as well. I have a date with Ji Ah. Good night guys! And Lee Rang don't overthink it! Let's just forget about it!"

After Lee Yeon went away, Ji Hyun quickly hugged Lee Rang and said, "Today I studied a lot! It's all thanks to you! Thank you Rangie!!" Saying that she gave a long kiss on his cheeks.

Lee Rang smiled and said, "Well as long as you get to study! So let's go?"

Ji Hyun nodded and replied, "Yes, all the study made me hungry!"

Lee Rang and Ji Hyun started going back and Lee Rang said, "Hmm knowing you, you would study even if you return home late, am I right?"

Ji Hyun nods. Lee Rang decided to take her to a restaurant instead and drop her home after the dinner.

They went to a BBQ restaurant as Ji Hyun was craving it. Reaching the restaurant, Lee Rang ordered a lot. Hearing his order Ji Hyun looked at him and gestured to him to stop.

Lee Rang after ordering said, "Oh come on you need it! You are gonna give exams!"

Ji Hyun laughed a little and said, "Oh I'm not a child anymore! You don't have to! And who will eat all this?"

Lee Rang replied, "Well that doesn't mean I won't spoil you! And I trust your appetite!"

Ji Hyun glared at Lee Rang for a second and flashed a smile. She was happy that she met someone who would spoil her without her even thinking about it.

Lee Rang smiled back admiring her smile. He had long forgotten about the invitation because of her.

They had dinner and walked out of the restaurant after paying. As Ji Hyun was talking with Lee Rang she failed to notice something or should it be said someone in the alley of the restaurant.

As they got in the car one of the guys from a group whispered, "Hey isn't that your sister?"

Hyun Sik looks at the way his friend pointed and sees his sister he hides behind his friend. As the car went away he sighed in relief and said, "Thank God she didn't notice me! Or else I would have been in big trouble!"

As Lee Rang drove to Ji Hyun's house she said, "Ah I'm so full! I enjoyed it a lot! How about we get ice cream for dessert? It's my treat!"

Lee Rang replied, "Cool!"

They drove near Ji Hyun's house and stopped at a convenience store. Ji Hyun brought some ice cream for herself and Lee Rang. Going out she handed him the ice cream and said, "So are you gonna pick me up tomorrow as well?"

Lee Rang nodded his head and replied, "Of course I can't let my girlfriend come pick me up now can I?"

Ji Hyun smiled and said, "Oh I see, now I'm promoted to a passenger princess."

Lee Rang smiled and said, "Well that reminds me what is my passenger princess gonna do after her exams are over?"

Ji Hyun smiled and replied, "Hmm I haven't thought about it much, probably sleep for two days. Then hang out with Min Young."

Lee Rang smirked and asked, "And what about spending time with me?"

Ji Hyun nodded excitedly saying, "Of course! How about we go to dates when you are free?"

Lee Rang smiled and replied, "Of course! That's my plan, to spoil you, I was thinking of taking you on a trip but the company is busy with big projects so I have to be here."

Hearing this Ji Hyun smiled, she remembered Lee Rang never wanting to work in this company, now he is all serious about it, this made her very happy.

As they finished off their ice cream Ji Hyun noticed her brother coming their way, she quickly called him and asked, "Oh why are you arriving so late?"

Hyun Sik tched and answered, "Mind your own business, you arrive late all the time. Do I say anything?"

Ji Hyun was about to ask if he ate or not but smelling the cigarette smell she stopped him and asked, "Yah why is the smell of cigarette coming from you!? Have you started smoking!?"

Hyun Sik pushed her hand off and answered, "Stop bugging me, a guy beside me on the bus stop was smoking, now let me go." Saying that he goes away.

Ji Hyun sees him go away and turns to Lee Rang.

Lee Rang, seeing how her brother acted towards her, asked, "Is he always this rude?"

Ji Hyun just nodded slightly, not wanting to talk about that right now. Lee Rang getting the hint left the topic at that. But still he kept this in mind, he would never want anyone hurting Ji Hyun.

As they reached near Ji Hyun's house Ji Hyun let go of Lee Rang's hand and turned to him and said, "Good night! Drive safe and message me after you reach home."

Lee Rang nodded with a small smile and pulled her into a hug and said, "I will miss you! Good night!" breaking the hug he quickly kissed her cheeks and looked at her with a smile.

Ji Hyun was smiling as well, she then gestured to him to go to the car. Lee Rang sighed not wanting to go but did what she said because he knew she needed a good rest right now, so he got in the car and drove away.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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