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This is the end of The Conspiracy Of Blood And Smoke (Not my work), after this I'll write in first person (mainly Gretchen's Pov) since I write in that style, not in third person limited, which is what the original is written in

Back outside, they waited by the lane for the taxi that the butler had called for them, to take them to the train station so they could return to Oxford. Daniel's smile slipped away. "I'm not asking you to come to London with me- I know you want to finish your schooling, and you deserve to live with a family that loves you. But... do you think... someday..." He trailed off, uncertain.

She stepped closer to him. Their quick breathing and the far-off hum of bumblebees and braying goats filled her ears. But everything fell away when she put her hands on his shoulders, feeling the corded muscle of his right, the sharp ridge of his left, two of many parts of him that she loved so much.

"You're worth waiting for," she said. "London's only sixty miles from Oxford. You can visit on your days off, and I'll come to London on school holidays. It won't be long before I graduate. London has loads of excellent universities, and I'm sure I'd like living there, too. I can't stay with the Whitestones all my life," she said when his eyebrows lifted in surprise. "Sooner or later, I have to make my own way. And I want it to be with you. Forever."

He traced her lips with his finger. "Forever," he murmured, smiling. "You know I can't give you that, But I promise I'll love you for that long."
"Sounds perfect to me."

She stood in his arms under the shade of a poplar tree, letting her thoughts turn to her father and brother, becoming part of the earth. Her mother, alone in the marshlands; Eva, dead-eyed in the park; and Geli, lifeless on her bedroom floor.
All of them lost because of Hitler. She would never stop mourning her family or wondering what sort of man her father truly had been. But she had made her own choices. She had wanted to love, and that had made all the difference.

Daniel leaned down, pressing his lips lightly on hers. She kissed him back, tasting the warm honey of his mouth. Her Daniel, straightforward and passionate, as clear as sunlight on water, nothing like the misted corridors of Hitler's mind.

As they kissed, she couldn't help but remember how much she had once wanted to hate him. The first time they'd met, he'd seen her defend a Jewish man from her brother and his comrade, and she had been terrified that word of her traitorous actions would reach Hitler. She had been so afraid that the loss of Hitler's friendship would crush her; that it would end everything in her life that she had thought was good and true.

Now, as she pulled back from Daniel and smiled at him, she knew it hadn't been the end.

It had only been the beginning

Character descriptions

Gretchen Müller/Whitestone:
Gretchen is 19 and has known Adolf Hitler since she was 4/5, and after her father died, he became a father figure. However, when she was 17 she met a reporter named Daniel Cohen. She learnt that her 'Uncle Dolf' (Adolf Hitler) had killed her father. As a result when she stood up to Hitler he ordered her and her brother; Reinhard, death. Reinhard was a year older and worked in the SA before he got shot in front of Gretchen, he had also abused Gretchen mentally and physically.
Gretchen was then adopted by Alfred Whitestone and his family. She wishes to become a psychoanalyst after 8 years of wanting to be a doctor.
Gretchen had short wavy honey blonde hair that goes to her chin. She has navy blue eyes, pale colouring and is about 5'7
For reference, her birthday is 18/07/1914
Fake Birthday is 21/02/1915 

Daniel Cohen/Schröder:
Daniel is a Jewish reporter from a Jewish family. He is 20 and had previously wanted to be a physicist until (roughly) 1930 or 1929. He worked at Munich Post and was investigating Herr Klaus Müllers (Gretchen's father) death. Eventually when Gretchen and Daniel left Germany on September 18th 1931, they got into a street fight and Daniels left arm had gotten nerve damage.
He has brown hair; he also has brown eyes rimmed with gold. He has olive-tanned skin and is about 5'11 (A few inches taller than Gretchen)
Daniel ends up having to change his name, we don't know what it is, so I changed it to Schröder; if I find out what he changes his name to, I'll change it.
We don't know about his birthday and I've reached some problems with it, so for the book's sake of the story, his birthday is 2/08/1913
Fake birthday is 2/08/1914

This story is set in mid-June 1933 in England to whenever I decide to end it

I'm writing my own story, When our Worlds Collide

Co-Author/editor is @ShadowHunter1349, check her account out to find her own books.

My friend is writing his own story called Fates .

I have my own writing of the Prisoner of Night and Fog,(The first book in the series) written from Daniels perspective, you can check out my account for it, while this is mainly written from Gretchens Pov, it could help you understand the story better 

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