Chapter 59

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It was such an odd thing to know much about, especially if talking about it is almost taboo. "I've had to study the Hebrew Bible and the Torah, and it gets mentioned," he explained. I nodded and grabbed a medical book from the bookcase and started reading.


The next morning I woke up, seeing the sun rising through the curtains. I sat up and saw Daniel was still asleep. I pulled the blankets down and noticed how he looked cold, "Daniel, honey, you need to wake up," I whispered.

Daniel didn't budge. I sighed and quickly got changed before shaking Daniel, "Daniel, you need to wake up," I whispered again.
Daniel groaned slightly, "What time is it?" he mumbled.
I sighed, "I don't know, but it's probably around 6:15, but you need to leave by 8," I reasoned.

Daniel sat up and yawned, "It's too early," he complained with his typical morning voice.
I chuckled, "Earlier than normal, but it's needed today," I said.
Daniel managed to sit up and got changed before we walked downstairs and walked to the kitchen.

I heard footsteps and saw Frau Cohen, "You two are up early," she commented.
Daniel chuckled, "Well, Gretchen and I need to leave early, so she made sure to wake me up early," she muttered, not sounding thrilled.

Frau Cohen smiled, "That's good for her, you never wake up early," she laughed.
I could sense Daniel glaring at his mother, "Let us have breakfast and we'll return home," I said quickly.
After breakfast we got went home and got changed.

July 18th

I woke to Daniel's arm being around me, I turned over and saw Daniel still asleep, I kissed his forehead and sat up, "Greta? Are you already awake?" He mumbled with a yawn.

I sat up and yawned, "yeah," I said while stressing.
Daniel managed to sit up, "Happy birthday, looking forward to being 22?" he asked.
I sighed, "22?" I groaned, putting my head in my hands, "I don't feel like I'm 22, it's hard to wrap my head around being in my twenties," I mumbled.

Daniel chuckled, "I'm 23 soon, how do you think I feel, and you feeling like you're old?" Daniel asked.
I rested my head on his shoulder, "I don't feel old, exactly, it's more, the past five years have been a flash, certain points it feels like it's been forever, but it feels like it's only been two years, I'm not a teenager anymore, I have a work, university, I'm engaged, so much has changed," I explained.

Daniel kissed my forehead, "I'll make breakfast for you, and we'll have dinner here, just get here later than usual if you can, at maybe 7, I want to make the meal myself, maybe with some help of a sister, invite Miss Isabelle Brown on a day out on the town after work," Daniel offered.

I looked at him, "Daniel, you don't have to," I whispered.
Daniel grinned, "No, I'm doing it for you, I want what's for dinner to be a surprise, and your gift, I've brought it, but you are getting it tonight, it would work better," Daniel smirked.

I started at him, "I don't like the tone you're using," I said cautiously.
Daniel laughed, "It's nothing inappropriate if that's what you mean, it's an object and you can own it for years," he clarified.

I nodded and kissed him quickly, "Sounds good, I'll ask Isabelle before work, and we'll see what happens from there, and I might be able to invite Mary and June, under the lines of a hang-out, and to meet one of my friends here," I offered.

Daniel had stood up and started getting changed, "You better start making calls then," Daniel said with his sarcastic lop-sided grin.
I nodded and put on a robe while Daniel got changed, I looked over to him and saw he had his suspenders over his undershirt.

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