Chapter 11

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"Oh, I washed them yesterday, since I haven't been able to do a load of washing, it should be dry" I said rushing the washing line. I felt the fabric, making sure it was dry. I got his suit set and gave it to Daniel "I'll bring the rest in later, I'll make you some lunch, and please drink water, and eat" I told Daniel.


I made Daniel a sandwich and wrapped it in a napkin, I looked up to see him coming downstairs "I've made you lunch, what do you want for dinner? I might need to do some shopping when I finish work" I asked.
Daniel didn't answer "I don't care, I'll pick you up after work, I don't want you getting hurt" Daniel said.

"It only takes a few minutes to get to work, if I'm not here by 10 past 7, then maybe worry" I sighed. Daniel nodded.
"Can I see the list of appliances?" Daniel asked, probably to pass some time.
I nodded and showed him the list "How long do you think it'll take for you to get enough money? We are both on minimum wage, but I'll put most of my money to food and bills, since I do most of the shopping, and the bills only makes sense since I live here" I explained.

Daniel chuckled lightly "I should be able to by the end of the year, in the meantime, we'll have to live without much furniture or appliances" Daniel explained. I nodded, agreeing.
I looked up at the time "You have to leave, or you might be late, and before you ask, I'll tell you if I get the letter from Queen Marys" I said, Daniel nodded, kissing my forehead lightly before leaving for work.

I went to the clothesline and took the clothes down, folding them and putting them away. I spent most of the day reading. When it was lunch time, I made myself a small lunch and ate it, before going back to reading. I finished my copy of Siddhartha, I looked at the time; 2:30, I got changed into my uniform did my hair, by the time I finished it was almost 2:40, I quickly made a quick snack for myself and an afternoon tea for Daniel, I got a note and wrote:

Daniel, please have this afternoon tea since I won't be back till about 7

After I wrote the note and locked the house I walked to work. I saw Isabelle Brown going to the door "Hello Isabelle" I said as I got to the doors.
"Oh, Gretchen, how has your week been?" She asked as we entered the building.
"It's been rather boring, doing housework, mainly" I said, not mentioning last night.

Isabelle nodded "I feel you; do you know when we'll get our university letters?" She asked.
I laughed "You sound like my beau; you keep asking that question. We should get it by the end of the month, surely" I said, Isabelle nodded.

We both started working, after four long hours we finished work. I was making my way out the door when Isabelle caught up to me "Are you sure you want to walk home alone and not call a streetcar?" She asked.
"There's no point, it's a waste of time, I'd only be in the car for like one minute. Besides, once I save up, I'll probably ride my bike, which would take a minute, it's only a four or five minute walk" I explained.

Isabelle didn't seem so sure "I'll go with you, so I believe you" she said. I sighed and nodded.

After a few minutes I got to the door and stopped "Well, I'm home, thank you for your concern" I said. Isabelle didn't leave "Do I have to unlock the door? Although the person I live with is already home, so the door is probably unlocked" I said.

"Ok, then go in, there's a bus stop nearby, I'll go there" Isabelle said stubbornly. I sighed and opened the door.
"How was your day, Gretchen?" Daniel asked from the empty parlour, maybe thinking on what it'll look like once it's furnished.
"It's been good" I said before turning to Isabelle "Enough proof? Now you should be getting home, before your family starts to worry" I said sternly. Isabelle nodded and went to the Bus stop.

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