Chapter 25

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I sighed, "We should later, I'll start saving so we can go out and start buying them later. It slipped my mind, I was thinking of shopping for my birthday later, and I've noticed I'm getting taller, so I might need to go shopping later, but if you are growing out of your clothes now, and if it is casing an issue, we can go shopping. But I rather save up before then," I explained.
Daniel nodded and kissed the crook of my neck, it was nice to be back to normal. We laid down and went to sleep.


A several days later, I had stayed late at university, doing some homework, I had warned Daniel about it. Much like any Wednesday afternoon I noticed it was raining rather hard. I sighed and got on my bike and pedaled home.

I had locked my bike and went indoors, Daniel had been on the couch and was reading. He looked up and saw that I had gotten soaked from the rain. Daniel quickly stood up, "You're drenched; wait a second," Daniel said, quickly grabbing a knitted woolen shawl I had brought and put it around me, along with a scarf.
"You ought to get changed out of those cold and wet clothes, and into something warmer, and have a warm bath, you'll catch a cold," he muttered.

Daniel went into the kitchen, and got a few things out, "Go have a bath, I'll make you some hot chocolate and give it to you, I can also get you some warm clothes. You can leave the ones you're wearing in the basket, I'll knock on the door and you can take it from there, you'd probably enjoy the warm drink, and I can actually make it, I promise." Daniel explained.

I nodded, I got up and got rid of the tight cotton turtleneck, and long cotton skirt. I had taken my shoes off at the door, put had taken them up with me, I took my stockings off since they had also gotten drenched, I kept my dry undergarments on before going into the bathroom.

I put on the hot water before letting the warmth hug me. There was a knock on the door, "Gretchen, I've got the hot chocolate, and some warm clothes for you." Daniel said.
I had opened the door and stuck my hand out, keeping myself hidden. 
I felt Daniels hands around mine as he put the cup in mine, so I don't drop it. I put the cup down, and I grabbed the clothes before closing the door, before Daniel knocked again, "Do you need any undergarments?" he asked, sounding rather embarrassed.

I shook my head before realizing that he couldn't see me, "No, they didn't get wet, or not enough that I'll get a cold, they have already dried," I rushed out.
Daniel hummed in understanding before walking off. After my bath I put on woolen baggy turtleneck sweater, and long cotton skirt, I sighed, I don't have any stockings. I guess it was ok, I could put some slippers on since it was still cold.

I walked down the stairs, I had finished the hot chocolate and put the cup in the sink before washing it. Daniel had been reading before he heard my footsteps, "Thank you, Daniel." I said.
Daniel chuckled, "I was just hearing my mothers voice, nagging me. Since I had come home while it was raining, and hadn't an umbrella, and had gotten soaked, and she ended up scolding me, I guess it has just become something that I had to do," Daniel explained.
I chuckled, "Same thing here. I could hear my mother scolding me, and my brother almost yelling at me to not drip water anywhere..."  I commented.

Daniel nodded and wrapped an arm around me, "You don't have to worry about being yelled at. The only time I think I would ever yell at you, is if we were in a fight, and we both end up yelling at each other, if we are far apart, that's explanatory, or if I happen to be in a very foul mood, so there would probably be outside factors, maybe someone died, or I'm under lots of stress," Daniel explained. "I know you hate getting yelled at, I try to avoid it the best I can," Daniel added quickly.
I nodded, "I know. I remember when we had first met, you had tendency to express your angry physically. When you tried to open the door in Herr Dearstyne's apartment, you had chucked the tool on the floor, or when you kicked the box in anger when we couldn't find anything. Or when you tried to open the metal box his dairy (Lars Dearstyne, it doesn't really matter, it's in The Prisoner of Night and Fog, please note he isn't a real person, just someone Anne Blankman made up)  was in, you just wacked your shoe on it to open it." I explained.
Daniel nodded, "I noticed when you flinched when those things happened," he commented, resting his head on my mine, "I started to subconsciously stop doing it, and now we are together, I try to avoid it the best I can, although there have been times where I failed... I'm sorry about that..." he trialed, leaving his head on mine.

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