Chapter 27

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While we were eating, Daniel spoke, "Do we do what we did last year? Go to the Whitestones between our birthdays?" Daniel asked.
I nodded, and stood up and grabbed the calendar and looked at the dates of our birthdays, Daniel stood behind me, reading over my shoulder, "Maybe the 27th?" I offered. Daniel nodded and kissed my head.


July 7th

I woke up and remembered that I had a few things to do today. I turned over and saw that Daniel was still asleep. I sat up and ran my fingers though his hair and lightly messaged his head.

I smiled and stood up and got changed into my faded navy dress and put a belt on, and put my stockings and heels on.

I went downstairs and make potato pancakes for breakfast. I heard Daniels footsteps coming down once I had placed the food down "Smells good," I heard his gruff morning voice say.

I felt my cheeks slightly heat up but smiled and nodded. After eating Daniel questioned what I'll be doing today "I'm going clothes shopping. I'm starting to grow out of some of the ones I own now," I explained.

Daniel didn't answer for a few seconds "May I join?" He asked.
I looked to him shocked "If you want, I do remember you mentioning that you've grown too at Christmas, and you might need the next size up" I explained.
Daniel just chuckled and gave me a lopsided grin.

I was confused, but pushed it aside. We washed the dishes and we went back to our room and neatened our appearance.

I grabbed my purse and Daniel got his wallet and we left for the shops. We went into a store for Daniel first, "I can wait for you at the front or go into the store across from here," I said.

Daniel smiled. "Well, I know you have a better sense of fashion than I do, so could you go with me?" He asked.
I thought for a few seconds "Isn't weird if I were to go with you?" I asked.
Daniel shook his head "It's normal for wives to join their husbands, not so much girlfriends, but people shouldn't give us a second glance," Daniel explained, trying to give me reassurance.
I nodded and held his hand, "I'll go with you," I muttered. Daniel nodded and smiled.

We went into the store and I noticed we were already given a few odd looks, my grip on Daniels hand tightened in slight embarrassed and wanting to hide in embarrassment, I felt him rub a small circle on my hand, trying to calm me down.

We went into a part of the store that had some formal suit sets for Daniels work. Daniel started looking between the suit sets, I sat down on a chair. After a short while Daniel turned to me "Gretchen, some help" he asked "I don't know what colour to get?" he explained. 

I thought for a moment "Well, you always have a navy suit, so maybe you can stick with it, I think a dark grey or emerald suit set may work, you would have to try it on first and I can tell you what I think," I informed him. Daniel nodded and looked at the sizes and colours, I stood up and asked what his size is. I found some styles I liked, and I thought suited Daniel and showed him, he nodded and grabbed them.

We also found some casual suits in that store, and we made our way to the changing room. I waited outside the rooms so he could come out when he is ready. After two or three minutes Daniel came out in a navy suit "It seems like my old suit," Daniel said looking in the mirror.

I looked over him and nodded "It looks good," I commented, liking the style.
Daniel tried the other suits and most of them looked good. Daniel brought them and put them in a bag.

After that we went to a few stores for me, I got a few clothes I liked, we walked past a jewellers and I noticed some of the necklaces, rings and bracelets, they all looked so beautiful, Daniel had held my hand, and asked if I wanted to go into it. I shook my head, "No, they just look pretty. There is no way I can afford anything. Besides, I probably wouldn't wear them, they just look nice, nothing more. If we go in, people will get the wrong idea," I commented.
Daniel chuckled, "Anything wrong with it?" he asked.
I sighed, "I just don't want to have that explain it, it could be awkward," I commented.
Daniel sighed, "Give it a try, you could always look at some other things too. I understand that you don't want people to get the wrong idea, but it's fine, we would probably be married in a few years anyway, you would've finished school and have a job by then," he reasoned.

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