Chapter 4

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I almost screamed in shocked, but kept it in "what the heck Daniel" I said, trying to turn over to face him, but Daniel had pulled my so close to his chest so I wasn't able to.
I felt his chest vibrate though my back while he laughed. He got a hold of himself and kissed my neck "Good night Gretchen" He whispered into the back of my head
"Good night" I said, giving up on trying to face him before I fell asleep.


I woke up and had my face in Daniels chest, I looked past Daniels shoulder and saw it was 6 in the morning. I didn't want to get up and leave the warmth of my bed and Daniels chest. I let out a low groaned and sat up, making sure that Daniel had blankets so he was warm.

I noticed that Daniels eyes had opened "Isn't it too early to be awake?" he said in a very gruff morning voice, my cheeks heating up.
"I feel you, but school starts so damn early" I said with a small yarn. Daniel chuckled at this.
"I almost forgot how early I had to wake up for gymnasium, that is something I'll never forget" Daniel sighed while sitting up. Daniel swung his legs over the bed "Come on, you need to get ready" He said standing up, taking his undershirt off and grabbing his bag and getting clothes out for the day.

I laid back down and placed my pillow over my face before screaming. I removed the pillow from my face. I noticed Daniel had given me a weird look but didn't question my actions. I sat up and took a deep breath, trying to motivate myself. I stood up and got my uniform and put it on. I had my plain white blouse and my red and blue pleated skirt, brushing the tops of my knees. I had white socks going to near the bottom of knees with two red lines at the top. I wore plain black buckle up shoes. I was going to wear the red and blue checked knitted vest and striped tie later since it was uncomfortable.

I heard Daniel going towards the door, I looked at him and we made eye-contact. He made sure that I was ok to leave before he opened and left, I followed Daniel down stairs to the Whitestones "out of interest, when would you two be leaving?" Alfred asked "Just so we know to expect you or not tonight" Alfred added, incase if we got the wrong idea.

"I'm not sure" I looked over to Daniel "It depends, if you want to, but it'll be late" I said
"Alfred, would it be ok with you?" Daniel asked Alfred, Alfred nodded.
"It's fine with us, after all, you are growing up, you are 19, you'll be 20 soon enough" Julia said with a small smile.

I nodded, I looked over at Daniel and we had a small smirk playing in his lips. The cook got our food and served it to us. Once we finished I went back to my room and brushed my teeth and hair. I got my tie and tied it and put the vest on. It was now 7:30 and I saw Daniel waiting for me in my room

"If you want, I could pick you up from school" Daniel offered, I thought about it for a second before I nodded "Ok, not to mention that university starts in September... so I would have to move there" I muttered looking down. I couldn't wrapped my head around living with Daniel. I heard Alfred and Julia chuckle

"You should pack the rest of your stuff, you'll need to hurry, you leave for school shortly" Julia said, I nodded and went up to my room. I managed to find another bag and packed most of my clothes.
I went where the others were "I might need to come back, I can only bring so much in two bags" I said, Daniel nodded

"I'll pick you up, Gretchen, I'll end work early, we can put your things in the car, I apologize for this" Alfred said, I quickly looked at the time, I didn't have much time.

I quickly rushed to my room and made sure all my undergarments were hidden under some blouses and skirts. Julia entered my room and we organized some things in piles "We can leave some things here to, incase if you end up staying here short notice" She explained, I nodded in understanding.

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