Chapter 62

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I felt a smile on my face, "That's a relief, I thought I ruined it." I mumbled against his suit jacket.
Daniel lightly kissed my head. We remained on the couch for a while before I got up and started to make dinner.
I quickly made it before putting it down on the table. We ate before going to bed.


The next morning I quickly got dressed and ready for university. Daniel came down and rested his arms around my neck, kissing the side of my head softly, "How is my Gretchen going?" he asked.

I looked at him in confusion, "You very rarely call me that, normally in letters," I commented.
Daniel grinned, "I don't know, but it sounded right," he muttered.
I nodded and rested my head back, "You should eat breakfast before we have to leave," I said, kissing his chin since it was the easiest point to kiss.

Daniel chuckled before taking his seat next to me. After eating I quickly made Daniel and I lunch and gave it to Daniel. We quickly walked to my university, Daniel kissing me goodbye quickly.

After school I walked to the time and went into the Times lobby and greeted the receptionist, "Excuse me, Miss, who are you?" she asked.
"I'm Gretchen Müller-Whitestone, I'm Mr Daniel Schröder's fianée, I'm just waiting for him to finish work, I'll just be here in the lobby as not to interfere," I said.

The woman nodded, "I see, I do see you together often when I'm walking about or when Mr Schröder leaves I see you outside walking with you." The woman explained.

I nodded and sat down, making a start on my homework. After what was probably half an hour I felt a kiss on my head, I stood up admittedly to scold whoever had done that, "How dare you-!" I cut myself off seeing Daniel looking dumbfounded. "Oh, Daniel, sorry, I thought you were a, would pervert be the right word? Some disgusting man who kisses random women," I said, my face heating up from embarrassment.

Daniel stood still for a few moments, trying to get his senses back. We were cut out from our staring by a few laughs belonging to males and females. I looked behind Daniel and saw the receptionist hiding a laugh along with a few of his colleagues.

I quickly picked my things up from the ground, once I gathered my books and pens I saw Daniel looking to the side, his ears burning red. "We should get going," I mumbled, feeling my face heat up.
Daniel grunted slightly, adjusting his bag's strap and helped me with putting my books and stationery in my bag.
"Excuse me for a moment, I'll meet you outside," he muttered.
I nodded slowly and walked outside, waiting for Daniel to return.

Daniel Pov

I walked outside and saw Gretchen engrossed in her homework. I quickly gave her a kiss on the head. Gretchen stood up sharply, her head almost banging into my chin, her books and pens dropping to the floor, her face was flushed with rage as she opened her mouth to speak, "How dare you-!" she cut herself off mid scold, realising it was me. I saw her face soften and her ears burn red. "Oh, Daniel, sorry, I thought you were a, would pervert be the right word? Some disgusting man who kisses random women," she quickly clarified. Although I was relieved that her immediate reaction was to scold someone who did that to her.

I just stood still, trying to say something before I heard my colleagues laugh from behind me. I saw Gretchen looking past me, her pale face glowing red again, I thought that was something only described in stories, but I see it's true now.

Gretchen quickly picked her things up from the ground, and I looked to the side, a little too embarrassed to do anything else. "We should get going," she mumbled.
I tried to say something, but I couldn't, I could only make a small sound of agreement, adjusting my bag's strap, needing something to do. I started to help her put her books and stationery away. I'd need to have a word with my co-workers.
"Excuse me for a moment, I'll meet you outside," I muttered.

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