Chapter 20

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Daniel shook both of their hands "It was nice meeting you girls, till we meet again" Daniel said with a polite smile.
Daniel is rather chivalrous, behind closed doors, Daniel is more loving with me, like sneaking glances when I was getting changed. I love how he respects women, not invading their space or privacy. I know if I told Daniel I was uncomfortable with anything he wouldn't do it.


The next day Daniel and I woke up when Alfred opened the door "Sorry, but it is time to leave, you'll have to get changed and be out by 10" he said sternly. I pulled the covers over my head, Daniel sat up "It's 8, why does he have to wake us up so early?" he muttered.
I sat up, not liking the cold air "Goodness knows" I groaned, too tired to be aware of my surroundings.

Daniel stood up and offered me a hand, I took it and we got changed into the clothes we wore when we came to Oxford in. We packed our bags and brought them to the door and had porridge for breakfast. I told Julia she can keep the Käsekuchen, much to Daniels displeasure. After breakfast Alfred drove us to London, after an hour and a half we got to our house "Alfred, do you want to stay for luncheon?" I asked.

Alfred thought for a few seconds "Are you sure? I wouldn't want to intrude" he answered.
I nodded, Daniel nodded too, we all went inside, and I got out our meat plater and I made a quick salad and put it on the table. Alfred sat down and we all ate lunch. After a short while Alfred finished lunch, we bid our goodbyes "I guess I'll see you two later in the year, maybe in March for Julias birthday" Alfred offered.

I nodded, and hugged Alfred "Thank you Alfred for looking after me for the past couple years, you've been a good father figure to me," I informed him.
Alfred pulled me back "I'm no replacement for your father, but I view you as a daughter," he said, kissing my hands, since he is a reserved person.

Alfred turned to Daniel "You have matured into a fine young man, I remember when you showed up, you looked rather boyish then, but now you are 20, and you look like a young man now," Alfred said. Alfred then turned to me "You too Gretchen, I remember when I first saw you in Germany, you were rather girlish, you were 17, now you are 19, I still see a few girlish traits in your face, soon enough I won't be able to see it, your hair is shorter now, and you are going to be 20 soon enough" He added.
Daniel seemed slightly embarrassed when Alfred commented about him, I also felt embarrassed, I rested my head on Daniels shoulder "Thank you Alfred, for everything you have done for us" Daniel said to Alfred, shaking his hand.

We watched Alfred leave before Daniel turned to me "Would you like to go for a walk?" Daniel asked.
I chuckled lightly and nodded, I took his hand and lightly pulled it "Let's go to Shepherdess Park, and maybe check out Shoreditch Park, it's a rather big park, and close by" Daniel suggested.

I nodded and we walked to Shepherdess Park, we walked on the path, and I noticed that there was a mistletoe on the tree, I looked up and Daniel seemed to have noticed I had stopped and looked up.
He looked up and Daniel stopped and turned to me, and pulled me close, our lips connecting, and he was biting my lip lightly. We pulled back and Daniel had grabbed a berry, something that is traditional, and not done that much anymore.

(I'm from a country that doesn't really lots of mistletoe, since I'm from Australia, we don't have much snow and we don't kiss under a mistletoe, so I don't know much about it, anyway since the story is set in 1933, they would follow more traditional rules of it, and this is what google said on it:
The correct mistletoe etiquette is for the man to remove one berry when he kisses a woman. When all the berries are gone, there's no more kissing permitted underneath that plant. One legend states that a couple who kisses underneath mistletoe will have good luck, but a couple neglecting to perform the ritual will have bad luck)

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