Chapter 3

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A/N I apologize in advance since there are so many words

We got to the Whitestones home and I quickly kissed Gretchen's cheek "I'll see you in a few days, I'm leaving for London tomorrow, I'll be there to get everything finalized" I said.

She nodded and quickly hugged me "I get it, I love you" She said quietly, I chuckled and kissed her head. I heard the door open and close, I looked up "Alfred's gone inside" I muttered into her hair "I should get some sleep" I said, letting her go. I heard laughed at her childish behaviour "I love you too, I'll see you in a week or so" I said. She laughed lightly and pulled away. She took me by surprised and quickly kissed me on lips before we went inside.


Gretchen Pov

I was asleep when I heard a light knock and sat up "Who is it?" I said in a very tired voice. I just hoped it was anyone but Daniel due to how embarrassing it would be.
"It's me, Daniel" I heard his laugh lightly "May I came in?" He asked, I nodded before realizing that couldn't see me
"Sure" I said, quickly neatening my hair and hoping I look presentable. Daniel opened the door and sat on the edge of my bed. "What time is it?" I asked, feeling very tired.

"5, sorry I had to wake you up; I just wanted to say good bye before leaving for London" He said, he leaned forward and kissed me, wrapping his arm around my waist. I grabbed his face, deepening the kiss before I pulled away.

"I'll see you in a weeks time" he said, "Are you going to go back to sleep?" He asked, rubbing my back lightly.
"I won't be able to, I'm always up at 6, so I won't even sleep well if I do" I said, placing my head in one of my hands, rubbing my eye.
Daniel chuckled, "I'll see you down stairs, I'm leaving in 10 minutes" he said, going downstairs.

I got changed and ran downstairs as quite and as fast as possible. I ran and wrapped my arms around Daniels neck, pressing my lips on his. Daniel placed his hands on my waist. He pulled back, catching his breath "You don't show it, but you can be childish, or clingily at the least" He chuckled, I felt my ears heat up.

"I guess it's because I've lost so many people I care about, so perhaps I do have a bit of a clinging issue" I muttered into his chest, he let out a laugh and kissed my head
"I really must get going, I love you" he said before walking away "The taxi will be here shortly" He said, explaining why he had to get going. I nodded and waited for him to leave. When Daniel went into the car and I waved him off.

I went back inside and noticed Julia and Alfred were already up and in the dinning room. I sat down and waited for breakfast. After a few minutes the boys and the cook came over and served breakfast. I started eating and left for school.

June and Mary were waiting for me with big grins on their faces "Sooooo~~ What happened yesterday with you and your beau?" June asked, I laughed
"It was fine; it was for our..." I had to make up a lie quickly "early 2 year dating anniversary. Since he'll be in London, most likely, since it falls on a week day, sure it's in September, but he might be working, so we probably wouldn't spend lots of time together" I explained, the end being true, we did share our first kiss in September when we spied on some SS soldiers that were talking about taking everything from the Jews. Despite no words being said beforehand.

I recalled the night: (Quoting the book, it will be in third person, also, Daniel's left arm is fine)
In silence, they followed the long, straight main boulevards, finally turning into the twisting side streets until they reached a little lane where the patches of lawn in front of the houses were nothing more than congealed mud. Three- and four-story buildings lined the avenue, their wooden siding nearly stripped of paint. Chimneys poked up from the old-fashioned thatched roofs, but no smoke belched into the pewter-coloured sky. The residents either couldn't afford the coal for their stoves or wouldn't waste it on a cool autumn night.

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