Chapter 39

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Daniel laughed and picked me up, letting me wrap my legs around his waist, I brought my hands to his hair and tugged on his hair. Daniel sat onto the bed, I pulled back a bit, "I love you so much Daniel, but I'm cold, and wish to be in my warm nightdress," I said.
Daniel sighed and just turned up around and kissed me, "I suppose so," he said, sitting up, letting me stand up and let me get changed.
We both got changed and laid down and I rested my head on Daniels chest and I managed to fall asleep.


January 29th

Once I woke up, I saw Daniel pacing. I sat up and stared at him, I saw he was deep in thought. I sighed quietly, thankfully he didn't hear me. I stood up and walked to him, cupping his face lightly, "Daniel, what's wrong?" I asked, worried about him.

Daniel took a deep breath, "It's fine, it's just, it's my father's birthday tomorrow, and we have nothing planned, and we always have something to do for each of our birthdays... I want to do something, but I don't know what to do..." Daniel groaned.

I didn't answer for a while, "It doesn't have to be a surprise you know. You could talk to your whole family, your father included and plan something. Maybe going out of dinner, or having him choose what we eat for the whole day, if we want save money," I suggested.
Daniel managed a weak smile, "I'll think about it. I could talk to my sisters about it, see what they think," Daniel sighed.

I smiled slightly, "I'm not going to comment further. It's your family, and you should try to talk to them about it. Even if you don't anything for his birthday, I'm sure he would understand... I know I shouldn't say this, but even when I was a child, I understood money was tight, so a simple 'happy birthday' or a small cake, even a cupcake, or a meal of my choice, was fine, more than fine. My point being, your father is a nice person, so he'll understand if nothing special happens," I said, starting to get slightly embarrassed from over sharing.

Daniel nodded, "You don't need to explain yourself, Gretchen. And you've got a point. If a young child could understand it, a grown man will, especially my father," Daniel explained.
I smiled slightly, "You should get ready for the day," I muttered.

Daniel chuckled slightly, I went to the wardrobe and grabbed a suit for Daniel and passed it to him before grabbing a dress for myself. I quickly put the dress on before turning to my fiancé, I saw him buttoning up his suit. I smiled slightly and walked up to him and brushed his hands aside and started to button up his suit. 

Daniel chuckled slightly and kissed my forehead before we went downstairs. Daniel went to the table and started to read the newspaper. I made a quick breakfast for the Cohens and myself.
I had just finished cooking breakfast when the Cohens came downstairs. I put breakfast down. We quickly finished eating and decided to do all the washing. Daniel had came over to me, to help me wash, "Speak with your family," I whispered.
Daniel nodded and quickly kissed my head and went over to his family.

After a while Daniel and I got ready to leave. We walked outside and started to walk to his work. "So, we talked, and my family have decided, that until we are more financially stable, we aren't going to go out for dinner, or do anything to special. So, we have rested on the person whos birthday it is, choose what's for dinner. He was wondering if my mother could cook instead," Daniel explained.

I nodded, "It's fine, I've been doing most of the cooking, and your father would be used to your mother's cooking. I don't take it personally. And once your birthday comes around, I understand if you want your mother to cook. She is a good cook, and she is your mother, you were raised on her cooking, and there is always something about having your mothers cooking after a long while," I confirmed.

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