Hate is a stong word || 01

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I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him.

My eyes wander back to the painting in my hand and I do the only thing I can think of.

I scream.

I hear footsteps running towards my door as the person barges in. I close my eyes, taking in a deep breath before looking up at my mother who is standing at the doorway with her hands on her hips.

"What is all the screaming for?" She asks and I hold up my painting that has a light pencil mark going from one corner to the other.

"Look what he did." I seethe, breathing heavy as my hands curl into fists.

My mum rolls her eyes before coming towards me and taking my drawing into her hands. "It's barely visible, Brianna."

My eyes widen and my mouth hangs open. "Barley visible? I can see it." I yell.

She shakes her head and hands me back my drawing. "Can you and Ashton go one day, just one day without fighting?"

I take a seat on my bed and stare at the indeed barely visible line on my drawing. "I can. Maybe you should talk to him rather than scolding me." I mumble.

Mum sighs before taking a seat next to me. "Look, me and Diana are deciding on going somewhere for the summer. Just the two of us and since I don't trust you alone, for obvious reasons, you will be staying at Diana's house with Ashton." Diana was Ashton's mother. I have no clue where that guy got his traits from because Diana was the kindest woman ever.

My brows furrow. Did she just say she's leaving me alone with a guy who doesn't even know the difference between left and right? My mind processes everything she just said.

"You've just insulted me in so many ways." I say, staring at her in disbelief.

Now it's her turn to close her eyes and take a deep breath. "If you're going to bring up events from more than a year ago, I don't want to hear it."

My mum had a rather teenage-ish personality. She had me in her teens and her boyfriend decided he wasn't ready to be a dad yet so he left. Mum did start dating a few years ago but they would stay for at most a month before leaving because apparently I wasn't a easy child to handle.

I set the drawing to the side and lean into her. "Anyone but him mum, please." Her arm goes around my shoulder as she pulls me further into her warm embrace.

"I know the both of you don't exactly see eye to eye—"

I interrupt by scoffing before mumbling a quick 'sorry' when I see her do the scary eyes.

"Which is why Diana and I have decided to put you two into therapy. Every Thursday's at six, I'll drop you two off but you'll have to walk home together."

I groan, moving away from her hug yet still stay in arms length.

"I don't need therapy."

"Something happened 10 years ago and you two still haven't gotten over it. I think you do need therapy." She deadpans.

"Yes, it happened 10 years ago. I don't even remember it." Lie. I remember it like it was yesterday. I remember it so much I can't wait to push Ashton into an ant hill again.

Mum sighs before getting up. "Diana and Ashton are coming over for dinner. I'm going to finish off dinner and please refrain yourself from screaming again." She says walking out of my room. "Oh and wear something nice."

I groan laying on my back and stare up at the ceiling. I look to the left, out my window.

You see, the way my room was positioned, my bed was opposite a wall high window with a balcony. However, the window faced Ashton's room and his window and balcony was the same and our balcony's were literally only centimetres apart, meaning that we could look into each other's rooms easily. It also meant that we could sneak into each other's rooms and do stupid things such as draw a line on my drawing.

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