Therapy || 20

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"Kai, stop squeezing my hand, your hurting it." I mumble as the movie continues.

We were watching 'conjuring 2' and although we watched this a million times already, kai somehow always found it scary. It was basically tradition to watch this movie; every time we had a movie night when Diana and my mom went out for a girls night, Ashton and I would always watch this.

Ashton had joined us a few minutes into the movie and sat beside me so I was in between both guys.

"Kai—" I say again only to be hushed by him.

"Sshhh, I'm watching the movie." He says and I look at him, dumbfounded.

"If you love the movie so much, stop squeezing my hand." I whisper-shout, wincing when he tightens his grip on my hand.

Is he even listening?

Ashton suddenly reaches over me and grabs my hand, pushing it away from Kai's grip.

"Don't touch her, fucker. She told you to let go." He says, glaring at Kai. In response, Kai rolls his eyes, pulling the pillow from behind my back and hugging it.

I go to pull it back from him when Ashton stops me, holding onto my hand and pulling my body into his.

"Leave it. He's just being a fucking baby." Ashton mutters.

"I wonder why." Kai says, turning to face us. I can see tears in his eyes as he gets up, making his way out the room. "I'm going to the bathroom." He mumbles before leaving.

I turn to face Ashton. He has his eyes closed as he sighs, bringing a hand up to face.

"I'll go check on him." He says, standing up.

I stand as well, holding onto his hand to stop him from leaving.

"Kai's upset. Let me talk to him." I say as Ashton shakes his head.

"He won't talk to you about it, maybe in the future but not now. Stay here, I'll be back with him." He says, walking out the room and leaving me standing in the living room alone.

I take a seat, pausing the movie.

I wonder what happened. I wonder why calling Kai a baby triggered him.

I decide to go on my phone while I'm waiting. Wanting to call Olivia, I go on WhatsApp and call her. It rings a few times before she answers.

"Hey bitch, how are you?" I hear her lively voice say through the phone.

"I'm...okay." I say, falling back onto the sofa.

"Something's wrong, what is it?" She asks and I sigh.

"I don't know." I say, truthfully.

"Does it have something to do with Ashton?" She asks and my hearts starts to beat faster.

"Yeah, I guess it does." I mumble, hearing commotion from the other side of the phone.

"Sorry, Brie. I have to go." She says but I don't hear the phone shut.

Just as I am about to hang up, I hear another voice sound. My ex.

"Who was it?" Jaxon asks and I sit up straight. I should really just hang up.

"Brianna." Olivia says and I hear them kiss, making my heart dull a little.

"What did she want?"

Olivia sighs before answering. "Nothing. She just felt off, I guess it had something to do with Ashton."

"I never liked him. Brie was always talking about him, every time we were together, it was always 'Ashton is so annoying' or 'I hate Ashton so much'." Jaxon says. Was he jealous all this time?

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