Family dinner || 54

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I smack my lips together, looking around the table.

Mom and Diana were still cooking whilst Ashton sat next to me and Joe sat opposite me leaving room for mom next to him and Diana to sit next to her.

"So, tell me more about yourself." Joe smiles.

"Save the question for when the food arrives—"

"Brie." Mom death stares from across the kitchen. I didn't mean it in a rude way.

Joe turns to face the two mothers by the stove. "How long till you ladies are finished?" He asks.

"A little longer." Mom replies.

"Mind if I put some music on?" He asks and after confirmation from my mom, he puts something on his phone, playing it loud and resting it by the end of the table.

I watch with furrowed brows as he leans forward to whisper to us.

"You two are neighbours?" He whispers and Ashton and I glance at each other before nodding. "And your datin—" my leg moves in reflex as it shoots up to kick Joe in the shin at the same time as Ashton shushes him. Joe hisses, glancing behind at the other two figures in the room. "A secret, huh?"

We nod. "Just keep your voice down." I warn. He rolls his eyes in return.

"I still can't believe she's your mom." This time I roll my eyes.

"I still can't believe you're in love." I say back.

Ashton interferes. "I still can't believe the two of you are still on this topic." He huffs. "Move on."

I look up when Diana speaks up. "You two are awfully quiet, is everything okay?"

"Fine, Diana." I smile. "The brute is staying quiet to prove me wrong." She nods at my lie, turning her attention back to the stove.

Joe leans further in. "I don't get it."

"They think we hate each other." Ashton answers for me and I nod, agreeing with him.

The music playing suddenly turns off and all three of us look up as mom shuts off the phone, handing it to Joe while she and Diana place her infamous pasta in the centre of the table.

"Foods ready." Mom smiles as both women take their seats on the spare chairs.

I reach out to get the spatula when I'm suddenly slapped on the hand. I turn to glare at Ashton. "Guests first, have some manners."

"You have some manners, you shouldn't hit the host." I counter back.

"You're don't act like the host, you didn't even do anything but stare at the food while it was being made."

I shrug. "Food is food, what do you want me to do?"

"I don't know, maybe help make it."

My gaze shifts to my mom. "Guys, please, just be quiet." She smiles at the both of us and I roll my eyes, hearing a scoff come from Ashton.

She turns to Joe. "Sorry about them, it's very chaotic when we're all together."

Joe smiles. "It's fine, it's entertaining." He jokes before looking at us. "How did this," he waves his hand around. "Daily arguments start?"

He seems invested so I give him a story worth listening to. "It all started when we were younger." I sigh, looking down.

"Brie." Ashton says in a warning tone but I ignore it.

"Probably when we were around six," I look back up to see all three adults staring straight at me. "When Ashton got jealous—"

"Brianna." I ignore him again.

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