Fresh start || 40

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"Brie." I groan, turning away from the sound. I'm suddenly pushed violently and my eyes shoot open to see Ashton behind me with a pillow in his hand.

"What?" I whisper-shout, rubbing the sleep away from my eyes. I look around his room to see it dark outside yet so much light inside his room.

"Everyone is waiting to come inside and sleep. You need to go to your own room." He whispers.
I groan again, pushing his hand off me.

"Carry me."

"Brianna, my mom is onto you, get to your own room." I sigh, sitting up on the bed. Ashton is already making his way to his balcony and sliding open the door.

I grumble incoherent words and reluctantly get off the bed, stomping my legs towards Ashton. "Don't make so much noise."

I ignore him, walking past him to the railing. I look back at him when I realise I'm too tired to get over it. "Can you help me?"

He sighs, throwing his head back before stepping towards me before lifting me up by the underarms. I swing my legs over the railing as he lowers me to the ground.

"Thanks." I mumble. Just as I step away from him, he suddenly pulls me back and I groan when he leads my hands to his chest. "Seriously? What now?"

"I'm sorry."

"You've already said that."

He kisses my cheek. "I don't think you know how sorry I am though." He replies. I sigh, pressing my forehead against his chest.

"I do. And I'm sorry as well. This wouldn't have happened if I didn't—" I stop talking when Ashton pulls my face back and his lips land on mine. My lips part on their own as his tongue glides over mine, tilting my head and deepening the kiss. A small squeal escapes my lips when his hands travel down to my butt, squeezing it. I feel him smile into my lips.

I suddenly pull back when I hear banging on his bedroom door. "How long does it take to get changed?" I recognise Leo's voice.

Ashton pecks my lips once more. "They'll be gone by the time you wake up." He says and I nod moving away to open my balcony door. I know what he means. Being this beautiful, I need a ton of sleep so this is Ashton's way of telling me they'll be gone by noon.

I walk into my room, shutting the door behind me. A suppressed scream rumbles in my throat when I step on something. Looking down, I see my sharper laying on the floor.

What the—? I don't remember taking out my art supplies this week. I ignore it, making my way to my bed before falling face first into my pillow.

I could sleep forever.

• • •

"This is awkward." I say, looking around the kitchen. Ashton, kai, William and I were sitting by the kitchen island. We hadn't spoken to each other since the day of Ashton and I's argument.

Our mothers went out to go shopping but I overheard them saying that they're going to the police to report Darren. They shouldn't speak so loud, I hear everything. And for some odd reason, Diana suggested that Kai and William stay with us while they're out of the house.

"Indeed it is." Kai replies. "Should we call Olivia over?" I nod my head. She always has something to do.

I slip my phone out from my pocket and dial in her number. Putting the phone to my ear, I wait for her to answer as my attention stays on the boys' conversation.

"Do you think I'd look good with red hair?" Kai asks.

"You'd look uglier than you already are." Ashton responds. Kai gasps, turning to William.

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