Oh no || 55

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"Brianna!" I stop mid sentence talking to Joe when I hear a loud scream from upstairs.

Ashton went to get William since he wasn't allowed to drive for a week, and Kai, I have no clue where he is. Olivia came over and went to my room to get a hair tie while I was in the kitchen talking to Joe.

"Brie!" I hear the yell again and recognise the high pitched scream to be Kai's.

"I'll be back." I tell Joe before running up the stairs because the scream sounds like someone is dying. I follow the sound of grunts and screeching to my room and the moment I open my door, I'm staring at the two people in front of me with confusion.

Kai is wearing a clown costume and I don't even want to know why. Olivia on the other hand is holding his hand behind his back while she sits on top of him on my bed.

Kai's eyes meet mine. "Brie, help me. She just started attacking me." I snap about of my dazed confusion and run to his aid, pulling Olivia off of him while she fights to keep a hold on his poor arm.

"Olivia, let go." I grunt, managing to get her hands off Kai before creating a distance between the two. "Do you want to tell me what happened?"

"He cut my hair!" Olivia screams, pointing to kai who looks as if he's innocent in the whole situation.

"Fake hair, it was funnier in my dream. And I didn't think the ninja would attack me." Kai argues, looking at me.

"Why are you in a clown costume?" I ask. I was deathly afraid of clowns but looking at Kai, I didn't see something that could kill you, I saw something that would cry if you insulted the way he did his clown makeup.

"I'm trying to earn some extra money so a family friend hired me as a clown for her kids birthday." He looks down at his torn costume. "I think I might have to cancel." He takes off his red nose and I wonder how it stuck on through his fight with Olivia. His red fluffy hair is next to come off before he stares at me. "Well? Aren't you going to tell her off?" He points to Olivia.

"She's a black belt in karate, Kai. You know that. Why would you mess with her?" He shrugs and I watch as Olivia walks to my vanity before assessing her hair in the mirror.

"He cut it, I'm telling you." She mumbles and one look at Kai and I know he doesn't care.

"It's not hard to find wigs the same colour as your hair, stupid." He rolls his eyes. "Honestly." He shakes his head.

My brows furrow. "Where's the hair?" I ask and Olivia holds up a hand with a chunk of blonde hair. "That's not your hair." I laugh.

Kai speaks up. "Duh, that was the point." He stands, unzipping his clown suit and taking it off, revealing his black jeans and shirt he's wearing underneath. "Well, I'm going down. You have any food?" He asks.

"There should be leftover pasta in the fridge." Nodding at my response, he begins to make his way out of my room. I look at Olivia. "You had to hurt him?" I ask, her violence reminding me of the time she did worse to Jaxon.

She shrugs. "You're afraid of clowns and he said he wanted to scare you so I stopped him. Then when I turned around, he cut my hair." She looks at the hair in her hand. "Well, fake hair." I chuckle at her answer.

"Come on, I was telling Joe my love story." She nods at me, walking by me as we make our way back down to the kitchen.

Once we're inside, I see Joe on his phone and Kai opening and closing cabinet after cabinet. I walk to Joe as Olivia leans against the counter.

"What's he looking for?" I ask. Joe shrugs. So I call out to him. "What're you looking for?"

Without turning around, he answers. "Squash. I swear you had a vimto one." He mumbles.

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