Kindness || 19

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I turn around to the sound of Ashton groaning.

"Shut up." I mumble as he groans louder.

"My head hurts." He repeats for the hundredth time.

My eyes snap open as I stare at him.

"Who's fault is it for drinking?" I ask, frustrated. It was eight in the bloody morning, for goodness sake.

"Yours." He grumbles, rubbing his eyes.

I sit up and sigh. Might as well get up. 

I stand up and lift my arms over my head, stretching. Looking back at Ashton, I see his eyes travel from my waist up to my eyes. I look down to see that my shirt had ridden up. Whoops.

"Did I do anything stupid yesterday?" He asks, closing his eyes and my mind drifts to last nights events.

My face heats up. I'm never doing that again.

" you remember anything?" I ask, curious. I needed to know if he heard anything.

His brows furrow as if he's trying to remember.

"You had a sex dream with Billy." He says, unsure and I roll my eyes.

"Who even is Billy?" I ask. The only Billy I know is Olivia's cat.

"That lanky kid from my maths class." He mutters.

"Aren't you in set seven for maths? Why would I go for someone as dumb and ugly as you?"

I dodge the pillow flying my way. "Set four, dumbass." He mumbles, sitting up and scratching his back.

"Well I'm set two." I boast and he stares at me blankly.


"And I got the highest marks in my class." I say again as he yawns.

"Mhm, that's great." He says, unenthusiastically.


"And I don't give a fuck." He interrupts and I scoff.

"You're just jealous. But I'll let you dwell on the fact that I'm better than you in every way possible." I smile as he rolls his eyes.

"Keep dreaming." He mutters and I huff, walking out the room.

"What a dry reaction." I mumble loud enough for him to hear.

"You're a dry reaction." I take a deep breath at his response. Just ignore it.

I go to the bathroom and quickly use the toilet and wash my face before making my way downstairs and to the kitchen.

Diana is leaning against the counter, whilst stirring something in her cup and scrolling through her phone.

"Morning Diana." I say as she looks up, smiling at me as I enter.

"Good morning, did you sleep well?" She asks and I nod, taking a seat on a chair by the dining table.

She walks around the kitchen and a few moments later, there is a bowl of cereal placed in front of me. After that, she takes a seat by me.

"Are you excited for tomorrow?" She asks and I furrow my brows.

"What's tomorrow?"

"Your and Ashton's first therapy—" I begin choking at the mention of it.

Diana rubs my back but I can see the small smile on her face.

"I totally forgot." I mutter and she lets out a small laugh.

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