Suspicion || 42

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I flinch when I open my eyes to see Ashton already awake, staring at me. I blink at him.

"What?" My voice comes out timid and quiet when the memories of last night come rushing into my mind. I swallow, looking away from his gaze, keeping the heat creeping to my face at bay. But I'm overpowered by the blush rising to my cheeks when Ashton leans forward, sending a gentle kiss to my cheek.

"Can't I look at my beautiful girlfriend?" He questions rhetorically. I hide my smile in his chest, hearing him chuckle at my actions.

I sigh, content with everything. Darren's finally out of my life, I'm friends with Olivia, and I'm in a relationship with someone who I thought I'd hate for the rest of my life.

"What's the time?" I ask. I hear him hum before answering.

"I checked a few minutes before you woke up. It should be 8:14." My eyes snap open and my smile instantly leaves my face as I sit up, pulling the duvet up to cover me. "What's wrong?"

"I'm supposed to meet my mom at her workplace at 10:00." I make a move off the bed only to look back when I feel a tug on the duvet.

"I need to be covered as well." He says and I gaze down as he covers his lower half. I pull on it, wrapping it around myself as I stand, wincing a little. "What's wrong?" It's not concern I hear in his voice, but amusement.

"Shut up." I mumble not looking at him, knowing he's naked on my bed. I make a mental note to clean my sheets, especially after what we did last night. I slowly walk to my door. Just as I place my fingers on the doorknob, I speak. "I'm going to shower. You should go as well." I exit my room and make my way to the bathroom.

I press my back against the door as soon as I enter, taking a deep breath. How am I supposed to act normal around Ashton now that we've fucked?

I sigh, throwing my head back and closing my eyes.

This day better go by quickly.

                      •     •     •

I purse my lips looking anywhere but at my mom. Turns out, my mom took the day off from work. When I came down from my shower, I saw her and Diana in the kitchen, eating some pancakes. They later called Ashton over and had the both of us sit down at the island.

"Is there anything you guys want to say before we start asking questions?" Diana raises a brow.

"I swear, I don't do drugs." I blurt out and see my mom shaking her head from the corner of my eye. She sighs, placing both hands on the kitchen island, leaning forward.

"Why was your door locked last night?" She asks and I chuckle nervously.

"Straight to the point, I see." I clear my throat at the look Mom gives me. "Why the questions?" I ask.

"Just answer it, Brie."

"Fine." I look around, trying to think of a good lie. "I'm still paranoid after the whole Darren incident so I keep my door locked so that no one can enter while I'm sleeping. Olivia was with me half the night, you can ask her if you want." I say.

"Okay." My eyes widen as my mom pulls out her phone, swiping on it.

"No, she's busy." I quickly add.

"Or that didn't happen and your lying to me." Mom says and I scoff.

"I'm not lying." I look over at Ashton, pointing to him. "Why don't you question him instead of pressuring me?" Mom rolls her eyes and Diana clears her throat. I look over as she stares at Ashton.

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