Deep breaths || 05

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It surprises me that I'm the sick one yet Ashton is the one dead asleep in the living room.

We didn't speak a word to each other when we entered the house. I went to watch winx club and he just stuck around on his phone. But when I came back from the bathroom, he was fast asleep with his legs up on the sofa.

And I know what you're thinking. Why didn't you just take the other sofa? Well, I can't see the tv properly from the other one.

Nonetheless, I was still sitting on the other sofa, on my phone with winx club playing quietly in the background.

I sigh, turning off my phone. It was so boring and quiet. I didn't know what to do.

Standing up, I walk over to Ashton and watch him sleep. I'll admit, I probably seemed like a creep but seriously, who was watching to judge me?

I kneel beside the sofa. My eyes travel down his sleeping frame and to his legs. They were hairless. Hm, maybe he did end up shaving. I should've waxed off his eyebrow instead.

My eyes snap to my phone when it rings. I pick it up and answer, holding it up to ear when I see it's my mum calling.

"Hey—" I'm interrupted by her frantic voice.

"Brianna, are you okay? Oh my God, I should've listened to you. Your school told me you fainted and—"

"Mum, calm down. It's fine. I feel fine, there's nothing to worry about." I say, hoping to stop her worries.

"It's not fine. Why did you faint? Is it because you didn't eat this morning? I told you to eat at least a little." I roll my eyes. I actually fainted because a certain giant pushed me which led me to hitting my head on the floor.

"I know, it's probably that. I ate something a few minutes ago though and I'm feeling fine, I promise. Didn't you say you had an important day at work today? Focus on that, don't worry about me."

I hear her sigh. "You're home alone, Brianna. I can't leave you alone when you fainted."

I laugh a little. "Yeah, about that. Your favourite son is looking after me." I say, scrunching my nose at my choice of words.

Ashton wasn't looking after me, he was too busy probably dreaming about fucking a girl.

"Brianna. He's not my son." She deadpans. "I know you two don't get along but I trust him to look after you and to keep you away from trouble."

"If you say so." I grumble and I hear her softly laugh.

"I have to go hun. I love you and call me if anything happens."

"Okay mum, love you too." I say, hanging up the phone.

My smile is replaced with a scream when I look back at Ashton.

His head was turned towards me and his eyes were open. "Was that your mum?" He asks and I can't help but notice the deepness of his voice.

"What the fuck. Weren't you sleeping?" I ask, holding my hand up to my chest to calm my racing heart.

He sits up, rubbing his eyes. "Who said I was asleep?"

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