He's back || 33

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My eyes shoot open at the loud cursing that echoes in my room. Adjusting my eyesight to the dark, I sit up, looking towards the source of the noise to see Ashton sat by my desk with his head in his hands.

His shoulders move up and down quickly and I can faintly see him pulling at the roots of his hair.

Quietly, I swing my legs over the bed, suppressing a groan when my muscles tense in my stomach and pain beings to arise. I manage to stand up, ignoring the pain and limp towards Ashton's slouched figure.

Once I reach him, I place a hand on his shoulder. He visibly flinches, lifting his head up to look at me. The light to the lamp on my desk turns on and Ashton turns on my spinny chair to face me.

"Did I wake you?" He asks and I softly shake my head. He already seems upset, I wouldn't want him worrying over the fact that he woke me up.

"What's wrong?" He sighs deeply at my question, his hands creeping to the back of the thigh to pull me closer to him. I stand in between his legs, staring down at him as I play with the back of his hair.

"Nothing." He pauses, lightly pushing me back to stand up. He moves away from me, walking to my bed before laying down with his arms crossed behind his head.

I follow, taking a seat beside him. I rest a hand on his stomach. "Are you sure? You can tell me, I won't make fun of it." I say, instantly pursing my lips together.

I remember when we used to hate  each other, if something was wrong, I would ask what happened and that I wouldn't laugh... I would end up making fun of him. But in my defence, it wasn't anything serious, he would mainly complain about losing things which without his knowledge I would steal and hide in my room.

His head turns to look at me and he raises a brow. "You won't laugh?" He asks, looking at me funny before shaking his head, chuckling slightly.

"No, I won't laugh." I say, taking offence to his manner. "I was the reason behind your meltdowns before which is why I found it funny but I'm genuinely concerned for you now."

He rolls his eyes, smiling before shifting to lean his back against the headboard. "Go back to sleep, Brie. It's four in the morning."

I stand up, facing him. "You go to sleep as well then." I demand.

"I am."

"No you're not. You can't possibly sleep in that position." I place my hands on my hips, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Don't worry about me, worry about yourself. You'll be complaining about the pain if you don't get enough rest." He leans forward, tugging on my wrists and pulling me closer to him. Following his lead, I end up straddling his lap. "Now sleep." He demands.

"Like this?" I squeak out, suddenly feeling shy at the sight of our position. He hums a 'yes', nodding his head before pulling my head closer to rest on his chest. His arms go around me and I feel him nuzzling his face in my neck, placing a light kiss on my skin.

A shiver runs down my body and light tingles erupt in my stomach.

"Ashton—" I try pulling away only to be held tighter, not painfully but enough to keep me in place.

"Can we stay like this...please?" He says quietly. I don't struggle to move away and instead melt into him.

I wait a moment in silence before speaking. "Can you tell me what's wrong now? Maybe I can help?" I feel him shake his head.

"You can't do anything about it." He whispers before pulling me back to look at me. I watch as his eyes travel to my lips for a quick second before looking back into my brown orbs.

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