A night alone || 41

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"Bye." I wave to Kai as he gets into the back of William's car.

It's was 19:40 and everyone decided to go home, so William offered to take them. And surprisingly, my mom and Diana weren't home yet.

I shut the door, locking it before making my way to the living room only to see it empty. I check the kitchen and Ashton isn't there either. So I decide to go up to my room and see him standing by my desk, holding one of my paintings.

"Ashton?" I call out but he doesn't move.

"Can you draw people?" He asks randomly and I stare at him, confused.

"Yes, why?" He turns to look at me before smiling.

"No reason." He shrugs, walking to take a seat on my bed. Okay?

I shut my door and make my way over to him, sitting next to him. A sigh leaves my lips when I hear a phone ring from downstairs. I get up.

"I'll be back." I tell him before walking down the stairs and to the kitchen where I remember leaving my phone. I answer it after seeing it's my mom calling.


"We'll be back a little late. Probably around nine or ten, and when I come back, I want you asleep, okay? Your school starts next week, I want you to get into the habit of sleeping early." I huff at her reminder.

"You didn't have to remind me I have school next week, you could've just said, 'go to sleep early.'"

"I said what I said. I love you." She says and I smile.

"I love you too." I hang up after saying our byes and go back upstairs. I wait outside my room, leaning against the wall to catch my breath. That was too much exercise for one day.

I sigh before opening my door. A smile makes its way onto my face when I see Ashton holding my heart pillow. I immediately make my way over to him, taking the pillow out of his hands and staring down at it in my own.

"I thought I lost it." I say, running my hand over it. I have so many memories with this pillow. I remember throwing it Ashton, I even remember accidentally rubbing it on him. He did not like that...or did he? "Where'd you find it?" I ask, looking up at him.

"It was under your bed." He replies and my brows furrow.

"I would've seen it under my bed." I say before eying him. "You didn't steal it did you? And then hide it in your room and forget it was there?" I accuse him jokingly to which he laughs.

"I'm not you." My mouth hangs open as I take him words as offence. He laughs harder, falling onto my bed before placing his arms behind his head.

"What is that suppose to mean?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all, darling." He says, patting his stomach. I roll my eyes, stepping forward before crawling to sit on top of him.

"I could suffocate you with this pillow." I say, looking between him and the pillow. He raises a brow.

"I'd rather you suffocate me with something else." My head tilts at his words. As if noticing my confusion, he rolls his eyes before his eye travel down my body, way below my stomach. I follow his gaze to my crotch and I immediately cover it from his view.

"How is that even possible?" His chest vibrates as he laughs again. I narrow my eyes at him. It wasn't that funny.

Calming down, he brings a hand up to my cheek. "You're so adorable." He smiles and I push his hand away when he starts squeezing it. He moves the pillow to the side before trailing his hands to my arms and begins pulling me down to him. I sigh, laying my head on his chest as his arms wrap around my back. "Who called?" He asks.

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