Lies || 17

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•• Ashton's POV ••

I lean against a pillar outside my house, staring at the police cars outside Brie's house.

She was sitting in an ambulance with her mom holding her hand. The old bastard was in another ambulance being treated. There were two officers with Brie, most likely questioning her.

"I think you may have taken it a bit too far." I hear kai mutter from beside me.

I roll my eyes. William and Kai had figured out an extent to what happened with Brie but I knew everything. The dickhead even admitted it.

"He should've seen it coming." Is all I reply with.

I feel William stand next to me. "What happened?" He whispers.

"I don't know."

"You don't know?" Kai asks in disbelief and I nod my head.

It all happened in a blur, really...

I watch as a distraught Brie runs towards us. Realising she's not watching where she is going, I hold my arms out to stop her from colliding into me.

I wince as she screams at the top of her lungs, fighting out of my grip.

"Woah, calm down, it's just me." I say.

I look behind her and catch a glimpse of the old man, walking inside the house, fumbling with his belt.

My eyes harden and I hope it isn't what I think it is.

"What happened?" I ask, pulling her head away from my chest to see blood pooling out from the side of her head.

My jaw clenches. "Why is your head bleeding? What the fuck happened, Brie? Fucking answer?" I ask angrily but I only get a cry in response.

I'm not angry at her, I'm angry at the fact that I wasn't there to stop whatever happened.

I look back at my friends and William mouths 'what happened?'.

I shake my head at him, dropping my head down to Brie's neck so that I can whisper to her.

"Was it the old man?" I ask but she doesn't respond.

"You can tell me, I can fix it." I get a single nod in return and I rage, pulling away from her.

Instructing Kai and William to take her to my house, I stride towards hers.

I can barely control my anger as my fists pound on the door of her house.

I wait impatiently as no one answers. Angered, I kick down the door, as the locks bounce against the floorboards.

My eyes immediately focus on the fat pig leaning again the wall, taking a swing of alcohol.

I charge towards him, grabbing the collars of his shirt and banging his back against the wall. The bottle of alcohol in his hand falls to the ground, the liquid spilling onto the ground.

"What the fuck did you do?" I seethe.

He coughs as I slam his back into the wall again.

"I just wanted to have a little bit of fun. There's no harm in that." He chuckles.

My fist comes in contact with his face as his head bangs against the wall behind him.

He groans. "You're the boy she's fucking, eh?"

"We're not fucking. I hate her." I grit and he smiles.

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