Forgive her || 09

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• •Ashton's POV• •

"I hate how annoyingly deep your voice is." Brie mumbles on my chest.

We had been playing this stupid game on who can come up with the better insult for at least an hour. Somewhere during the game, I had gotten tired and lay down, pulling Brie with me.

I sigh, closing my eyes. "I hate how you're always talking."

"I hate how you remember everything."

I breathe in a deep breath, relishing the silence since she's waiting for me to come up with an insult.

However, it doesn't last long when she nudges me. "It's your turn—" I cover her mouth with my hand.

"Brianna, fucking, Rose. Shut up." I grumble.

She immediately pulls away, sitting up and resting her hands on either sides of my head, hovering over me. "Excuse me? Don't tell me to shut up. If anyone should shut up, it's you..."

I close my eyes, blocking out whatever she says. It's often like this; she talks on and on and most of the time I don't listen, mainly daydreaming about random shit.

I almost groan when she lifts my eyelids up. "Open your eyes and listen to me. When your in my room, you listen to me. Because it's my room, keyword being 'my' so you have to listen to me—"

I roll my eyes, sitting up as she squeals, holding onto my shoulders to not fall backwards.

"How many times have you done things when I told you not to?" I ask, raising a brow at her. Her cheeks tint a light pink.

"Never. Name one time I have not followed your stupid rules." She folds her arms and my eyes travel to chest for a quick second. Don't blame me, I can't help it especially when she's sitting directly on my dick.

"I told you not to mess up my bed, I leave for five minutes to come back to my bed a complete mess." My hands rest on her hips as I think of other times she went against my rules.

"I told you to sit still, not even two seconds later, your touching my pens. I told you to shut up, yet you still complain about every little thing—"

I stop talking when she places a hand over my mouth. "I asked for one thing, stupid. Not a whole list." She hisses.

Rolling my eyes, I move her hand away from my mouth. Though, when I am about to talk, there is a soft knock on the door.

"Brie, can I come in?" It's her mom. My eyes snap to Brie's, however she's not as alert as I am.

"No." Brie says in a cold tone before looking down. My brows furrow. Did I miss something?

"Please, Brie. I'm sorry, please come out, you haven't eaten  anything since yesterday."

"I'm not hungry." She replies just as her stomach grumbles.

I nudge her hip but she doesn't look up. So naturally to get her attention, I slightly pinch the skin of thigh and she immediately shoots her head up to glare at me.

"What happened?" I whisper. Her eyes were puffy and blood-shot red. Her voice was also a little raspy and her cheeks were tear-stained...not that I cared.

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