His house || 11

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"Psst." I close my eyes in annoyance. This is the fifth time Ashton has tried to get my attention.

"What?" I whisper-shout, leaning my head on the table, facing him.

We were in geography doing a small assessment on what we remembered in lesson. It was pretty stupid, really. But it was an assessment so assessment rules apply which means no talking. If only someone could understand that.

"Why are you wearing a long sleeved shirt in this heat? Do you want to die." Ashton whispers back.

"Shut up. I'm trying to do the work."

"Please, like you give a shit about geography. You hate it." He says, rolling his eyes and I sigh.

"It's not the lesson I hate, it's the teacher—"

"Brianna, are you talking during the test?" Miss Prim says, standing up from her desk and walking towards the middle of the class.

I lift my head up, staring at her. "No."

"Then explain to me why your lips are moving and there is sound coming out of your mouth." She crosses her arms, glaring at me.

"I was just reading the question."

"No you weren't. Do you think I'm stupid?"

Yes. "No—"

"Then what makes you think you can lie to me? I saw you talking, this is an individual task, not pair work. If I see you talking again, I'll safe room you to another class and you can finish your test there." She yells and I secretly roll my eyes.

What a bitch. And people wonder why I hate her.

"Actually miss, it's my fault." A voice to my right suddenly says. I look at Ashton confused.

"She was looking at my test for answers so I decided to talk to her first, to tell her to stop copying me." He says and my mouth hangs open.

"That's not true. I wouldn't want to copy off someone that has an IQ level of a slug." I fire back quickly.

"I'm smarter than you are. Why wouldn't you copy me." He says, folding his arms and turning his body towards me. I do the same.

"You smarter than me?" I scoff. "This test has a mean question and you suck at maths. How will you find the mean if you don't even know how to calculate it?" This is off topic. We weren't even talking about the work.

"Enough!" Miss Prim shouts and successfully gains our attention. "Brianna and Ashton, go complete your test next door. I will not have you two disrupting my class."

I get up, grabbing my things and walk over to the door of the classroom as Ashton follows behind.

"Just so the two of you are aware, you're behaviour will be reported and you should be back in 30 minutes. This test isn't long anyways." I'm already out the door when the last of her sentence reaches my ears.

My feet stomp against the floor as I walk down the hallway, Ashton catching up to me and falling in step with me.

"I've noticed you've been wearing covering clothes nowadays." He suddenly says.

"Excuse me? What are you trying to say? That I usually dress like a slut?" I stop walking and face him.

"What? No, you idiot. I'm saying that ever since the old man has entered your life, you've been less considerate about your health. You know you faint when you overheat so why are you purposely wearing warm clothes in the summer?" He asks as his brows furrow.

My heart beats faster. What if he finds out what Darren has been doing to me?

"I'm not wearing warm clothes, you skank. I'm wearing a long sleeved t-shirt. And I just feel like covering myself." I say, trying to fold my arms with my test in hand.

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