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My book has finally come to an end!

I want to thank every reader that has supported me from the beginning of my writing journey and those who have encouraged me to keep on writing when I wanted to stop.

I honestly wouldn't be able to do all this without you all so thank you.

A side note for the future: I will be editing this story and may add some things to make it more interesting and make it make sense since most of the parts didn't link at all.

If you decide to reread my book once I have finished editing and rewriting, I hope you love it more than you do right now.

If you have any other requests on what I should write next, tell me. Until then, you could busy yourself with my next book called Bella (which I have no clue when will come out.)

Context:  Isabella Ramirez is a pushover. She listens to everyone and is too nice for this world, too nice to even notice the tricks of her step-sister who deceives her one day resulting in her to leave with two dangerous men. However in her eyes, they are simply kind men who offered her shelter from her sister's actions.

Enzo Romano hates everyone. The only person he tolerates are his two best friends but even they can be idiots. For example, when he wakes up to bubbly girl standing in front of him with a wide smile and an annoyingly positive energy; the only thing he can think of is to shout at her and that's exactly what he does.

Slowly, he learns to tolerate her innocent personality, slowly gaining pity when he discovers her sad past, slowly falling in love when being around her changes him.

And she learns that she is correct, that everybody has a good side to them. Even someone as dangerous as as Enzo Giovanni Romano.


If you have a better suggestion for the name for the mmc, please comment it otherwise I'll be using this name.

A warning to anyone who does decide to read it, the main character is basically a child with her personality, not entirely but she is if that makes sense. She's basically Brie in chapter 50 (a Spanish friend) So if that puts you off as a reader, I don't think this book will be good for you.

Other than that, you can find what the story entails when the first chapter comes out.

Once again, thank you all for reading. 💕💕

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