Win || 49

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After waking up in the morning feeling like I've been ran over by a bus, I'd expected myself to wake up a few hours later still out of energy.

So imagine my confusion when I wake up at half eight at night basically laying on Ashton and full of energy.

While Ashton sleeps, I stare at him seeing as I have nothing to do. And it's not like I was creepy staring at him, I was daydreaming staring at him. There's a difference.

Starting to get bored, I nudge him over and over again until he begins to stir, pushing me off of him.

I internally scoff. How dare he.

I don't let it bother me too much and instead, lean back onto him, crossing my arms over his chest and resting my head on them.

"Ashton." I whisper-shout. He doesn't answer. But I know he's awake since he did push me off so I try again. "I'm hurt." His eyes crack open as he stares at me. However, upon seeing the smile on my face, he groans, closing his eyes again.

"Ashton. Open your eyes." I whisper.

"You're like a bee buzzing in someone's ear, Brie." He mumbles.

"Okay, well I'm offended." I say and I know for a fact he'd roll his eyes if his eyes were open. "I need to tell you something."

Without opening his eyes, he says, "what?"

"Remember that time when you threw the thingy in the bin after we thingied in the car?" I ask referring to when he threw away the condom after we fucked in the car.

Once I say my words, I realise how unclear it is but then shrug. I'm sure he'll figure it out eventually.


"Seriously? That one time—"

"Yeah, yeah. I remember. What about it?" He asks with his eyes still closed. My brows furrow as I stare at his face.

"Are you sure you remember? You don't sound like you do."

"No, I remember. That time when we— yeah, I remember. What about it?" He asks again but I'm still not convinced he's smart enough to decode my words.

I leave it for now. "Did you know you threw away our future kids?" His eyes open at this and I feel like he finally knows what I'm talking about.

"Brianna." I make a sound at the back of my throat when he pushes me down onto my back. "Go to sleep."

"But it's basically nine o'clock." He doesn't reply. I look around the room until my eyes land on the window, the clear sky turning dark as night begins to roll around.

I poke him again. "Sleep." He says.

"But the sky's awake, so I'm awake, so we have to—" I don't get to finish my spectacular speech when Ashton places a hand over my mouth, shutting me up.

I fight against his surprisingly strong grip until I finally give up, letting him keep his stupid hand on my mouth.

"This is basically kidnapping." My words come out mumbled.

I side eye him, a small smile making its way onto my lips when I see he's at his most vulnerable state.

Slowly lifting a hand, I rush it to his sides, ticking him but he doesn't move or make any signs of a normal reaction; crazy laughing.

"I'm not ticklish, dumbass." He mumbles.

"Stupid." I muffle back. I huff, well, at least try to with Ashton's hand on my mouth. I pull on his hand again and this time, I'm successful. "You know, the whole house has been asleep the whole day. We should be awake. And I'm hungry. No, I'm starving. I haven't had anything to eat since last night—"

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