No trouble || 48

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I get out the car, directing Olivia as she parks. Once done, she gets out and we begin to make our way inside.

The smell of alcohol and sweat reaches my nose, and I look around for the familiar faces of either William, kai, or Ashton. 

Feeling hands on my arms, I turn back as Olivia leans in. "I'm going to get a drink, do you want to come?" She shouts over the loud music.

I shake my head. "I'm going to look for one of the guys." I tell her and she nods, walking towards the kitchen.

I remember last time kai was the DJ so I have no doubt he'll be there again tonight. Knowing this, I follow where the music is the loudest, only to see another man who isn't Kai. I watch as he nods his head to the beat of the music as his hands fumble with the DJ set. He was bald with a cap and headphones on. He was also wearing baggy clothes and was set up on a step, higher than everyone else.

I move closer, standing on my tiptoes. "Excuse me." I shout but he doesn't seem to hear me. "Hello?" I wave but he doesn't see me.

An idea comes to mind and having no clue whether it will get me in trouble or not, I still look around to make sure no one is watching before shaking the stand holding him and his stuff up.

The guy wobbles and the music falters for a quick second before the guy looks down at me with furrowed brows.

"What do you want, little lady?" He asks, removing the headphones from his ears and placing them around his neck.

"I'm looking for someone." I tell him and his eyes narrow.

"Lady, I don't know anyone here." He states and this time, my brows furrow. Sure he knows some people, I saw him at the last party Ashton held.

"I'm looking for Kai." I say.

"I told you, I don't know anyone here."

"I'm sure—" I don't finish my sentence as he moves back, placing his headphones over his ears again.

So much for trying. I sigh and just as I turn around, I bump into someone. I look up and don't bother apologising when I see Kai.

"Oh, Brie-Anne, didn't see you there." He smiles and I roll my eyes.  "What're you doing alone?"

"Olivia went to get a drink and I couldn't find anyone else."

"Obviously, silly. Everyone's in the living room. Did you even bother to check there?" William's house was way too big for me to be wondering around alone. I wasn't planning on getting lost.

"No." I answer his question, even though I'm sure he was asking rhetorically.

"Follow me." He grabs onto my hand, pulling me behind him as he pushes past the massive crowd gathered at the front of the house dancing.

We walk, and walk, and walk until finally we stop at the living room. It was very spacious. All the sofas had been pushed back against the walls and there weren't many people around, only a few sitting in a circle on the floor or some on the sofas drinking some drinks.

I look around and see Ashton and William leaned back on the sofas with their legs spread wide open. Only this time, neither have a woman sitting on their thighs.

Kai leads me over to them and I stand directly in front of Ashton once I reach him.

"Hello, bitches—" the last of my words come out as a squeak as Ashton suddenly grabs onto my hand, pulling me down onto his lap.

"Get comfortable, love. You're not going anywhere any time soon." My face flushes and I look around to see if anyone is looking. Luckily no one is but I do hear a chuckle sound from William.

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