Compliments || 44

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"Please." Kai begs, crawling on his hands and knees towards me.

We were still in my room and William and Olivia had come back. Now, I was on the floor looking through my art while both Olivia and William were drawing on my bed.

"Kai, I said no." He sits in front of me, placing his hands over mine.

"You'll love it, I know you will." He says trying to convince me but
I simply shake my head.

He sighs before looking towards Ashton.

"Rowan, tell her."

"Brie, we can imagine he's not there." I hear Ashton's voice mumble from his spot on the bed.

Kai wanted all of us to go on the date with him because he was too nervous. He wanted us to go on a 'triple date' with Olivia and William, me and Ashton, and him and his date.

He apologised to Olivia who reluctantly agreed, as well as William. Ashton even agreed but now he was trying to get me to go as Ashton's date.

I look at Kai as he lets go of my hands, bringing them together to hold in a begging position.

"I won't even talk to you." He says and I roll my eyes.

"Fine, what time?" I ask. A smile immediately stretches his face as a quiet 'yes' hisses from his lips. Kai reaches behind his trousers to take out his phone before checking the time.

"It's 16:52. We need to be there by six." He jumps to his feet's, walking to the door." Come on, kids. We have a date to get ready for." William and Ashton slowly stop what they're doing before following Kai out of the room.

Before the door shuts, kai peeks his head in, smiling at us. "Look pretty, girls."

I'm already having second thoughts.

• • •

I rush into the kitchen, opening my purse that is hanging on my shoulder. Ashton would be here any second now and I was still looking for my phone which I'm confident I last saw in the kitchen.

I was wearing a pretty short puffed sleeve summer dress that had light pink floral designs all over it. I matched it with a light pink purse and low-heel heels that had a bow strap. The best part of my whole outfit was that my dress had pockets. Frickin' pockets, how cool is that?

In my haze of finding my phone, I don't notice my mother sitting on one of the stools until she speaks.

"Where are you going dressed all pretty?" My gaze meets hers.

"A date." Her brows shoot up. "A triple date." I specify. "Kai has a date and suggested we all go on a date so it isn't awkward for him." I nod, giving my answer.

"Right, so who is going on this triple date?" She asks and I turn my back to her as I continue looking for my phone.

"It's kai and his date, Olivia and William, and me and Ashton." I don't hear her talk after I give my response. Sensing I effed up somewhere, I slowly turn back around to face her. "What?"

"You're going on a date with Ashton." She asks in disbelief and I nod. "The same Ashton that lives next door. Diana's son, Ashton?" I nod again. "And your okay with that?"

Realisation suddenly hits me when I see the shocked look on her face. Our mothers don't know about me and Ashton, they still think we hate each other.

"Obviously I didn't like the idea at first but kai promised to buy me ice-cream if I agreed to it." I say, turning back around because if she didn't notice the lie in my words, she'd definitely notice it by the look on my face. "Have you seen my phone anywhere?" I ask, changing the topic as I open a cupboard, looking inside.

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