Unexpected guest || 34

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I stare down at my hands with my back leaning against the headboard. I don't move when I hear the front door opening. Nor do I move when I hear footsteps walking up to the stairs and the door to my room opening.

"Brie?" I pinch my eyes shut when I feel them watering. "Why are you up?" Ashton asks. He walks forward until he's standing by the foot of the bed.

I manage a small shrug. "Why can't I be awake at this time?" I ask. After the ink of the marker didn't come out, I decided to give up and wear leggings to cover it up.

"It's 7am. You're never awake this early." He says, taking a seat near me. "Is something wrong?"

I nod, looking up at him with a smile. "Yeah, my stomach just hurts. I'm fine, though." It technically wasn't a lie since it did hurt.

He stares at me for a while with his eyes squinted accusingly. "You didn't rest while I was gone, did you?"

I roll my eyes. "No, I didn't. I was masturbating with a pen for an hour." I say sarcastically. But by the horrified look on his face, I know he believes it. Why did I even bother?

He clears his throat, his face morphing one of shock and surprise. "Wow, umm, okay. That's... nice? I didn't think you'd be open about it—"

I drop my head in my hand, a chuckle fighting to escape my lips. "Oh my god." I whisper, shaking my head before looking up at him. "It was a joke, Ashton. It didn't happen, I was painting a flower." I say, slowly as if I'm explaining it to a child.

I then point to my desk which has a canvas and some paintbrushes in a cup of water. "See? I was just painting." He sighs, closing his eyes for a quick second.

"Thank god." He whispers. "You could've gotten an infection or something if you used a pen. Do you know how much germs and bacteria a pen has?"

I blink at him once. Then twice. "Do you even bother using the only brain cell you have? How did you not know it was a joke?" He scoffs.

"You're the virgin-est virgin on this planet. Obviously I thought it wasn't a joke. You have no clue what you're doing half the time, why would you know what you're doing when it comes to this?" He raises a brow at me as if he's come with the brilliant argument.

I shake my head, turning away from him and crossing my arms. "Don't speak to me. This is so offensive and so rude, I can't even look at you right now. Go away with your one brain cell and make yourself useful for once." I say, fighting a smile wanting to make its way on my lips.

I see him stand up from the corner of my eye. "Okay then. I guess I'll bring you medicine for your pain. Don't blame me if my one brain cell drops water all over the stairs which you'll have to clean up, since my once brain cell will make an even more mess."

"You got the last bit correct." I mumble, loud enough for him to hear.

"Excuse me? I'm the cleanest person on this earth." He scoffs and I smirk. Even though we don't hate each other anymore, it's still fun riling him up.

I clear my throat. "2015, Christmas Day: you surprised everyone with your Christmas present for your mom by decorating the kitchen with food everywhere."

"I was being creative!" He argues and I hum in disagreement.

"I'm sure your mom thought otherwise."

He looks bewildered, stepping back. "I'm going to get you something for the pain. Hopefully it'll put you to sleep as well." I smile in victory when he stomps out of my room.

My main goal for whenever we argued was to make him madder than I was. I always won. Looks like I still do.

I sigh almost frustratedly when my mind goes back to what happened earlier this morning this Darren. Looking back at when he was around more often, I realise that I would forget about him whenever I'm around Ashton.

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