Emotions || 37

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•• Ashton's POV ••

"She's crying." Kai whispers from his position by the balcony. I invited William and Kai over when I couldn't sleep as I knew they'd be awake.

"She sitting up..." Kai gasps, slowly stepping back. "She's looking over here." I roll my eyes.

"Stop spying on her, Kai." William says quietly from beside me. It was way past midnight and my mom was asleep. In fact, I'm sure the whole neighbourhood was asleep besides the four of us.

Kai looks back at her through the balcony door before making his way towards us on the bed. He sits at the end with his legs crossed.

"I still think you should forgive her." He says.

"I didn't ask for your thoughts." I mumble. I intended for them to make me forget about her, not bring her up in every conversation.

Kai shrugs. "Why won't you forgive her? You hate your dad."

I huff, throwing my head back at his question. The truth is, I don't know. I guess after seeing their interaction for the first time after a few years brought back unpleasant memories and feelings.

"Why can't she understand that he was never hers to begin with? It's as if she's always forcing herself to be in places she doesn't belong in." That was a half lie. Growing up, I felt that way since her not having a dad was her problem, but now, I want her to be with me everywhere I go. And I ruined every opportunity of her forgiving me after the stunts I pulled out of anger and jealousy from when I was a kid.

"Rowan, you need to understand her side of the story." William states. That's exactly what Brie said. "You need to let go of what happened in the past, your dad was the asshole, not Brie. Stop ruining your future with the girl who is best for you." I roll my eyes at his words.

"You're supposed to be the smart one here, not the stupid one." I mumble.

"That's true, I'm the stupid one in the group." Kai says, lifting his hand up. He suddenly stands up. "I'm going home, I need to be up early tomorrow." He walks towards my balcony, his head turning to look at me me as he frowns. "You need to fix this, I've never seen her cry so much." He mutters, sliding the glass door open before leaving.

There were bins situated close to our balconies so we used that as a way to sneak in and out. I look over at William as he shrugs, standing up.

"Think about what I said. You have that family gathering thing you're going to tomorrow, right?" I nod, remembering my uncle inviting us to come over for his daughter's birthday. "Try and fix things with her tomorrow."

I shake my head at his idea. "I ruined everything. There's no way she'll forgive me." I say, thinking back to all the horrible things I've said. I stand up, following him to my balcony as he pats my shoulder once.

"You'll figure it out."

"Wow, thanks for your words of encouragement." I mumble as he chuckles, slipping through the glass door before throwing his legs over the railing and jumping onto the bin.

I don't walk out to balcony because my eyes are too busy focused on the girl crying in her room. It was dark in my room and she had her lamp on, so I could see her clearly but she couldn't see me.

I feel bad. I feel so bad.

• • •

We were at my uncles house. His house was pretty big and spacious and the garden was magnificent. There were chairs and round tables situated in the far corner and a bouncy castle for the kids on the opposite side. The front of the garden was filled with roses and flowers since his wife loved gardening and there was a forest at the very back.

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