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"You're quiet." I say to Olivia as she continues staring up at the ceiling like she has been for the past hour.

Mom and Diana went shopping and Ashton, William, and Kai were at school since their PE teacher wanted them at football practice. Apparently, training had to start a few days early so that when they went back to school, they wouldn't be behind on anything. It was currently 13:02.

"Why doesn't he love me back?" She sighs and I roll my eyes from my seat on the beanbag.

She had taken the whole bed, laying down like a starfish, leading to me to sit on the beanbag and act as her therapist.

"Maybe if you gave him clues you liked him, he'll take the hint and start talking to you." I say.

She lifts her head up, staring at me blankly. "I stare at him all the time. That should be enough for him to know that I like him." She deadpans and I roll my eyes.

"Guys are stupid, Olivia. They don't know you like them just by staring at them."

"Well they should." She huffs. "It would be a lot easier to date them."

I stand up. "Okay, get up." I order.


"Get up. I'm not going to sit here and watch you mope all day because the guy you like doesn't notice you." I place my hands on my hips. "I'll invite the boys after their practice and until then, we are going to do something fun. Something that will get your mind off of William."

She sits up. "If we're not masturbating, I'm not interested." I playfully roll my eyes at her joke yet nonetheless decide to play along.

"I have around three dildos and five vibrators under my bed. You can decide what to do with them." I joke back.

Olivia looks down at the ground longingly and I shake my head at her acting. "I'd do William." She mumbles.

"So would I, but you don't hear me complaining."

"That's because you're not single anymore. You're dating that toad that lives there." She nods to where Ashton's room is.

"Why do you guys hate each other so much?" I ask, taking a seat on my bed as she crosses her legs.

"It's not that I hate him," she mumbles. "I just want him to apologise for calling me a fake friend."

"Seriously? You want him to say sorry?"

"Yes I want him to say sorry." She squints at me, mimicking my words. "Most people on this earth would rather die than apologise to someone they don't know or don't like." I take in her words, nodding.

She not wrong in a way. I do remember when we fought a few years back. I wouldn't do anything to told me to unless she apologised.

"But back to having fun." She smirks.

A yelp escapes my lips when she suddenly pushes me. I roll on the ground dramatically before coming to a stop on my back.

"Why would you do that?" I glare up at her.

"Do you not want to go out?" I stand up, dusting the back of my dress.

"I'm so telling William you like him."

• • •

"I have a date." Kai blurts out. I lift my head up to look at him from my bed.

The boys came over about an hour ago and had each taken a shower. Now, we were all in my room while my mom and Diana occupied the whole of downstairs.

Ashton and I were laying on my bed. Kai was sitting on my beanbag. Olivia was leaning against the wall, occasionally banging her head on the wall. And William was sat on my spinny chair, looking through my art.

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