She knows || 39

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I sit on my bed staring at the 'I forgive you' note taped on my balcony door.

I wasn't sure whether I forgave him or not, but I was a hundred percent sure that our touchy moments had to minimise now that our mothers were back.

I snap out of my daydream when my bedroom door suddenly creeps open and a hideous looking ogre steps into my room. The more my eyes adjust to the dark, the more I realise that the hideous ogre is Darren.

I sigh. "Not tonight Darren, I'm already tired." He doesn't make a move closer to me and instead, keeps his position by the door. He doesn't speak. He doesn't move. "Are you just going to stand there?" I ask, annoyed. He doesn't answer. "I'm losing so many brain cells just by staring at you." I should say that to Ashton one day.

"And I'm getting disgusted just by staring at you." He finally says. "I thought I told you to watch what you eat." I roll my eyes.

"I'll eat whatever I want."

"I'm trying to help you, you'll hate yourself if you don't go on a diet." I send him a hard glare.

"How are you trying to help me when you said you wanted to break me?"

"I am trying to help you." He repeats.

"By body shaming me?" I raise a brow at him.

"If it makes you skinnier." He shrugs and I feel my blood boil. How much someone weighs shouldn't matter anymore, and it disgusts me so much that people like him still have that kind of mindset.

"I don't need your help because I love the way I am, regardless of my weight. Now if that's all you came to bother me with, you can leave." He shakes his head at my command. "Get out."

"Or what?"

"Or I'll scream." I threaten. It definitely wasn't the best threat I have said but my screams come in different ways. Either very annoying to the point that the person will be out of my sight in five seconds, or a scream that will convince you that someone is dying.

He takes a step forward. "No—" I don't hesitate to follow out with my threat and scream. I scream so loud that he covers his ears with his hands, already making his way to exit my room. I scream so loud that my mom is in front of my door by the time Darren opens it.

"What's wrong?" Mom says, pushing past Darren to get to me.

I quickly look around my room and see the note on my balcony door as memories of all the cruel things Ashton said to me come flooding into my mind. I force myself to tear up as I cover my face with my hands.

I feel mom's hands on my shoulders. "Brianna, what's wrong?" She asks again.

"He tried to touch me." I stutter, managing a sob to leave my lips and light tears to pool out of my eyes.

It's silent. I don't look up, continuing my act.

"Is that true?" Mom asks and I know her question is directed towards Darren.

"No, she was on the phone with a boy and I came in to confront her and she started screaming." I clench my jaw at his lie. I swear if my mom believes him.

I look up when the sound of my balcony door opening reaches my ears. Ashton appears in a white vest and sweatpants.

"I'm sorry, I heard a scream and my mom asked me to come and check what it was." He looks between me, my mom and Darren.

"Tell Diana it's nothing. You can go back to sleep, hun." Mom tells Ashton as he nods, his eyes briefly meeting mine.

He begins to step back but before he can leave, he sends me a confused look. I simply shrug at him, immediately making my lips quiver when my mom faces me.

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