The consequences of anger || 02

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"Don't touch that." I grit out for the hundredth time.

"What? Don't touch this?" He says, picking up my eyeliner.

I clench my hands into fists and stand up, walking over to him before snatching my eyeliner out of his hands.

"Yes that, you dimwit." I say, placing the eyeliner back in its holder as Ashton jumps on my bed.

I purse my lips in a tight line.

Don't get angry.
Don't get angry.
Don't get angry.

I repeat in my head. He lays down, putting is dirty feet up and crossing his hands behind his head.

"I have a question." He says, picking up my heart pillow before throwing it at me.

It hits my face as I fall back onto my beanbag. I glare up at him as he point a finger at me. "Keep your distance and stay there. And I've always wondered why you never stick to one nickname."

I roll my eyes and throw the pillow back at him, unfortunately missing him and landing on the other side of the bed.

"Huh?" I get comfy on the beanbag, spreading my legs out.

"You call me idiot, skank, stupid, dimwit and much more." He says, counting on his fingers. "Just stick to one like I do."

"Okay, I'll stick with Ashy face." I shrug as another pillow is thrown at me again. This time, I move out the way as it falls behind me, knocking out my pencil holder I left on the floor.

I grab the pillow and throw it at his face as he sits up. "Don't throw my stuff." I say as he throws the pillow back at me, hitting my chest.

"Then don't call me Ashy face, bitch."

He goes to throw another pillow at me but I quickly get up and snatch it out of his hands as he stands up.

His tall frame towers over him and I have to tilt my head up to look at him.

"Let's make a deal, hm?" I grab onto the sleeve of his shirt and drag him to the corner of my room. "You stay here and don't talk and I'll stay on my bed, that way there can't be any problems." I say, moving away from him.

I take a seat on my bed and watch as he wipes his sleeve with a disgusted look on his face.

"No, I don't even have a place to sit."

"Boo-hoo." I say getting up. "I'm going to get a glass of water, if you touch anything, I will break every single one of your dirty sausage fingers."

Before he can reply, I quickly walk out of my room and go downstairs.

As I'm making my way to the kitchen, I hear Diana and mum talking. I stand behind the wall and listen into what they're saying.

I wouldn't call it eavesdropping since they were talking loud enough for anyone to hear and I just so happened to be around them.

"There's nothing I can do anymore." I hear mum's voice say.
"I know not having a father present in her life has affected her in a way. She's always encouraging me to start dating but they never stay for more than a month."

I peek around the corner to watch them sip on a glass of wine. "Why don't they stay? You're a beautiful woman and Brianna is also a good child." Diana says.

I turn to leave but what my mum says next makes me want to stay and listen in on their conversation.

"It's not me that's mainly the problem, most of them don't like the idea of me being a mother. Those who do want to stay never stick around because of Brianna. Do you know how many times I've rejected them because of what they've said about her?"

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