Surprise || 28

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Upon reaching my house, I immediately let go of Ashton's hand and run up to the door, pushing it open as he follows behind.

My eyes widen and a shock runs through my body when a group of strangers jump out of nowhere and scream 'surprise'.

I feel the warmth of Ashton's body as he stands behind me.

"What the fuck?" I hear him whisper and I have to agree. What the fuck is this?

I stand there confused until Kai emerges from the crowd with a wide grin on his face. He immediately runs to me, pulling me into a tight hug.

"Happy birthday!" He gushes out, squealing.

My brows knit together. It's not my birthday.

I pull away, turning to look at Ashton for a quick second. His mouth is formed in an 'O' shape as he looks around the room.

I laugh, lowly. "Kai, it's not my birthday." I say. His head tilts to the side as he stares at me confused.

"Your birthday isn't on the 10th of December?" He asks and I nod.

"It is."

"So it is your birthday." He states and I shake my head.

"My birthday is tomorrow." Today is the 09th, is it not?

"Today is the 10th. Happy 17th birthday babygirl." He squeals again, pulling me into a hug. A small laugh erupts from my throat as I wrap my arms around him.

I suddenly feel a tug on the back of my shirt as I'm pulled away from Kai.

I don't turn around to look at Ashton, already knowing he's glaring at Kai when his smile falters a little.

"Come, I've planned so much!" He says, grabbing onto my hand and pulling me away from the front door.

Passing the crowd of strangers, I realise that most of them in fact are not strangers, but students that attend our school.

I wave at their smiling faces. God, I feel like a celebrity.

Kai leads me to the kitchen and I'm immediately met with balloons and food decorating the room.

I love kai so much.

He takes a red cup and fills barely half of the cup with some kind is clear liquid.

"Where's William?" I ask, taking the red cup as he hands it to me.

He shrugs, leaning against the counter as he motions me to take a sip.

"He got moody because I was bossing him around. You'll see him somewhere but don't expect anything more than a grumpy 'leave me alone.'" I giggle at his imitation of William.

Bringing the cup to my lips, I take a sip, coughing at the bitter taste as it burns my throat.

"What is that?" I say in between coughs as Kai laughs.

"You should've seen your face." He wheezes, falling onto his knees and using the counter to hold himself up. I roll my eyes, placing the cup next to him, the taste still lingering in my mouth.

Calming down, he stands up, taking my cup and drinking it's contents in one big sip.

"How?" I ask, speechless.

He shrugs. "You just learn to get used to it eventually."

I raise a brow at him. "Really? And how long have you been drinking to have to be used to something as sour and disgusting as that?" I follow him as he goes to refill the cup.

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