Jealousy or anger || 23

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"What do I do?" I ask Kai, placing my hands on my hips as my eyes roam the drunken teenagers.

"Simple. Find a guy and kiss him in front of Ashton." Kai says nonchalantly, and I look at him weirdly.

"I am not kissing a stranger." I say.

"I worded it wrong. I meant, flirt with someone, or kiss if you want, in front of Ashton." Kai repeats and I shake my head.

"I don't know how to flirt." I admit and he rolls his eyes, smiling.

"Sure you do. You're always teasing Ashton." My eyes widen and I shake my head frantically at his assumption.

"No. I don't flirt with Ashton, are you crazy? I'd rather jump off a wobbly chair than do anything like that." The words come out my mouth quickly and I fold my arms, looking away from Kai.

"Mhm, sure." He hums.

I look around the kitchen once more until my eyes land on a certain guy. My ex.

Now hear me out, if this works, Ashton will most likely start a fight...that is if he cares, which he doesn't.

This can go two ways: 1) Jaxon will get the beating he deserves if Ashton does get 'jealous' or 2) Ashton won't do anything and I can prove to Kai that whatever he thinks will happen between us, won't.

I nod over to Jaxon. "What about him?" Kai looks over and I see a smile slowly appearing on his face as his eyes light up in excitement.

"That is perfect! Ashton already hates him and seeing you two together will definitely make him mad." Kai says, slightly jumping.

His hands find my shoulders as he gives me a light push. "Well go on then, what are you waiting for?" He asks, impatiently and I turn around to face him.

"Hang on, if Ashton doesn't get jealous, then you drop the whole 'Ashton and Brianna' thing." I say as his lips slightly part and his brows furrow before he finally groans.

"Fine. But if he does get jealous then you have to do everything I tell you to." He sticks his hand out and I roll my eyes, scoffing.

"Easy." I say. Kai would most likely just tell me to get him food.

I place my hand in his and he shakes it once.

"We've got ourselves a deal, Miss Brie-Anne. Now go over there, I want to see Ashton's reaction." He says, excitedly.

Me too, Kai. Me too.

I sigh, slowly walking over to Jaxon. He was leaning against the wall, talking to someone I didn't know.

I clear my throat as soon as I reach him to get his attention. His gaze turns to me and his smile slowly fades.

"I want to talk to you." I get straight to the point as the guy he was talking to stands up straight.

"I'll be over there." He says to Jaxon before walking off. I take his place, leaning my shoulder against the wall.

"Hey." I smile, awkwardly and his brows furrow.

"What do you want?"

I step forward, looking up at him. He was tall, but not as tall as Ashton... just for the context.

"I was just wondering how you've been." He scoffs, taking a sip of most likely alcohol from his cup.

"Why do you care?" He asks. My eyes look for Kai only to see him walking out the kitchen. He turns his head back and winks when he sees me staring.

My jaw clenches. He better not do anything.

"Because." I say and he looks at me expectantly.

I sigh. "Because I've missed you." I say, looking down, awaiting his answer.

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