Memory || 52

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"I'm not going!" I shout, holding the door shut.

It was Thursday which meant stupid therapy with Ashton. Only, I didn't see the point in going, it was boring, useless snd unnecessary.

"Brianna, you're going to be late.
Come out." Mom yells from the other side of the door, continuing to push at the wooden block between us.



Because every time we go, all she does is ask stupid questions that aren't any of her business.

"I'm not going!" I say again.

It's then that I hear a voice in my room. "You know you can just lock the door, right?" Ashton says from behind me.

I glance down at the lock before locking it and standing up straight. Huh, why didn't I think of that?

I turn to face him. "What?" I say.

He walks to my desk, picking up one of my colouring pencils. "Why don't you wanna go?" He asks.

"Ashton?" I hear mom call out.

"Don't worry, Lilly. I'll get her out of here." Ashton yells back.

I fold my arms. "No you won't. Because I'm not going."

He squints his eyes, nodding his head and giving a sarcastic smile. "Cute. Now change, we're going to be late."


He mutters a string of curse words under his breath before walking to my wardrobe and taking out a pink dress. He holds it out to me.
"Change." I turn my head from him with a scoff and fold my arms.

"Oh my god." He mumbles. My brows furrow when he begins to make his way towards me and a scream radiates from me when he reaches out for me.

I quickly run away from him, rolling over my bed to stand away from him.

"You're acting like a child." He says, walking around the bed but I roll over it again so I'm on the opposite side to him.

"I don't want to go." I say again. God, it's like no one is listening to me.

"Why?" He doesn't wait for an answer and instead crawls over the bed to get to me.

I scream, trying to round the bed but fail when his arms wrap around me, pulling me closer to him.

"Let go!" I struggle against him and he grunts, trying to keep his arms around my wiggling body.

"Brianna, get dressed." He huffs, walking me to my bed before throwing me on it. Before I get the chance to crawl away, he pushes me down so that I'm laying on my back before sitting on me.

I groan from under him. "You did this time Ashton and I almost died. Get off." I try pushing him off but it's useless.

"Just tell me why you don't want to go." He says.

"Because it's boring."

"Do you think I like going? You do know that the moment she hears what she wants to, we don't have to go anymore?" He reminds me and I roll my eyes.

"You do know that every time we go, you end up storming out like the first day?" I counter back.

"Get up and get changed." He says.

"I can't, stupid. You're on me." He reluctantly gets off at my words and I sit up, facing him.

He throws the dress at my face. "Get dressed."

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