Insight || 13

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I jump at the sound of a knock on the door.

"Come in." I say, placing my book by my side as mom enters, leaning against the door.

"Darren told me you didn't come for dinner." She says, raising an eyebrow.

I sigh. Fuck Darren and his stupid dinner.

"Yeah, actually I was caught up with something at Ashton's." Technically it wasn't a lie. I was caught up taking a shower and... taking a shower.

"Mhm. Who's clothes are you wearing?" She asks, placing her hands on her hips.

"You're mad at me, aren't you?"

She sighs, closing the door before coming to sit by my feet.

"I'm not mad, Brianna. I just don't want you to hide anything from me. If you are seeing a guy—or a girl—"

"Mom." I groan, covering my face with my hands and I hear her chuckle.

"I'm just saying. But if you are with a guy, I want you to tell me so I can—"

I interrupt, already knowing what she's going to say. "Get birth control pills for me, I know, I know." I look down at Ashton's shirt I'm wearing. "I had an accident so he lend me some of his clothes." I mumble.

"An accident?" She asks and I can hear the doubt in her voice.

I sigh louder. "Yes, mom. I had an accident at Ashton's house so Ashton gave me his clothes which is why I am wearing Ashton's clothes."

Mom rolls her eyes, playfully before standing up. "Come down and eat. I don't want my baby to starve." She says, making her way out of my room.

I get up and follow her, grudgingly. "I'm not a baby." I mumble and she laughs.

We walk downstairs and into the kitchen where I see Darren sitting, eating a slice of pizza.

He looks up as we enter, smiling at us as I take a seat opposite him.

"Oh, I almost forgot. I'll be right back." Mom speaks up before leaving the kitchen.

I grab a plate and a slice of pizza as Darren watches my every move.

"You shouldn't eat that." He says just as I take a bite of the pizza.

I cover my mouth before mumbling. "Why not?" 

I watch his eyes travel around my shoulders and arms. "You should know why."

I swallow the content in my mouth. "What? Did you poison the food or something?" Kind of stupid of me to ask after I had eaten a bite.

He rolls his eyes. "No. I was just saying, don't you think you've been eating too much lately? It's certainly been showing." He says, once again looking all over me and I suddenly feel sick.

I place the pizza back on the plate and look at my thighs. Now that you think about it, they have gotten bigger...

"Alright-y. Here we are." Mom's joyous voice sounds throughout the kitchen.

I look up and give a small smile when she waves tickets in her hands. "We're going on holiday." She squeals and my smile slightly widens.

"Really?!" I ask. Oh, the things I would do when I'm home alone. I know she won't let me tag along this time since I will be having my therapy lessons with Ashton starting this week.

"Yes. Bad news is that Diana, Darren and I are all going." She says, her excitement dying down a little.

"More like the best news." I mutter under my breath.

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