Half day || 04

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"Mum, mom, ma, mother, mama, ahhh." I groan, placing my arm over my eyes.

The door to my room opens. "Brianna, I don't have time for this. You're fine, hurry up or you're going to be late for school."
Mum scolds. I can hear violently shuffling so I know she's looking through her bag.

Tears sting my eyes. "But my head hurts." I say as the headache increases.

"Then you shouldn't have stayed up all night." The shuffling stops.

I wasn't awake all night. I fell asleep a little after eleven after taking the pills. "Please just let me take one day off school, my head really hurts, I can't even open my eyes."

"Brianna Rose get up right now. You're going to get yourself and me late." Before I can say anything, the door shuts rather loudly.

She's mad.

Or stressed. I overheard her during yesterday's dinner telling Diana how today will be a big day for her and she wants everything to be perfect.

I sit up, ignoring the pain. I'll go through with the pain for her.

Using my nightstand as support, I stand up only to stop for a second when I feel dizzy. I wait for my room to stop spinning before walking to my closet. Yes, I stuffed my clothes in there yesterday but today I am determined to sort the mess out.

I rummage through the clothes to find something suitable for the hot weather.

Deciding on a black top and some light blue shorts, I quickly dress into them and walk downstairs to see a bowl of cereal already on the kitchen island waiting for me.

"There you are. Hurry up and eat, we need to leave in ten minutes if we want to make it." Mum says, walking around doing God knows what.

I grudgingly take a seat on a stool. Stupid Ashton and his stupid strength. He just had to push me, didn't he?

Mum places a water bottle in front of me. "It's going to be hot so don't forget to drink your water."

I hum a response as she goes back to wandering around the house. I slowly take a bite of my cereal but don't have the energy to chew. Why am I feeling like this?

I close my eyes tightly when the headache increases.

"Brianna finish your breakfast. We're not leaving until you eat at least a little." When did she come in the kitchen?

"I don't feel good mum." I mumble. Opening my eyes, I see her standing on the other side of the kitchen island.

She sighs. "Brianna, I have a big day at work. Stop complaining and hurry or I'll leave without you."

I roll my eyes and take a few bites of the cereal. I grab my water bottle and place it in my bag before swinging it onto my shoulder and walking out the door to mum's car.

She's already waiting inside as she horns, telling me to hurry up. I fasten my pace and sit in the car.

"Remember, Darren is coming over tonight for dinner so behave. I don't want any complaints from your school while I'm at work and just stay away from Ashton if you can't be nice to him."

I lean my head against the window. Most of what she said went through one ear and came out the other.

Soon enough, the car stops outside my school.

I open the car door. "Have a good day, Brie. I love you."

I pause for a second. "I love you too mum. Good luck at work. " I smile, slowly getting out of the car.

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